Twenty Four

381 10 0


January 21st, 2015


| Dylan |

Luke and I stay in our places, not moving one inch. Our faces our centimeters away from each other and we both have wide eyed looks.

"Are you sure she's not here?" I hear Dylan whisper.

"Positive, she takes care of these ladies dogs down the road." Bridget whispers back.

"Then why are we whispering?" Dylan asks still in a whisper. Slowly I lower myself onto Luke's chest and reach for his shirt that's on the ground before handing it to him.

Luke suddenly squeezes his eyes shut and I press my finger under his nose knowing he's about to sneeze. He shakes his head and I panic jumping off of him and onto the ground before he sneezes so hard he sits up.

"Well, well, well. I see the two of you decided to skip work to do some casual frickle frackle huh?" Bridget asks crossing her arms.

"No, we got off early and came here to hang out and..." Luke trails off awkwardly dropping his hands into his lap. I sigh and lay my face onto the ground.

"No, you're shirtless and your hairs messy and... Are those marks on your neck I see!?" Dylan exclaims at me. My hand goes to my neck and I hiss when I touch one of them.

"You're both caught red handed here." Bridget says. I sigh and stand from the ground grabbing Luke's shirt from him and pulling it over his head. He stands up and pulls it down onto himself.

"I think I'll just go home." He says to me and I frown.

"No, you can stay here." Dylan says to Luke.

"What are you two even doing here?" I ask remembering my two idiot friends.

"Well, we were just planning on scaring you when you got home and then we were going to just hang and watch movies, like how we used to." Bridget answers.

"Which would exclude me, I'll go get my shoes." Luke says but I grab his hand before he can walk away.

"You are not kissing an ditching." I mutter to him. He sighs and laces our fingers together.

"Wait a second!" Bridget exclaims. "Are you guys dating?"

"No shit." Dylan says and Bridget punches his arm. I just smile at them and look up at Luke. He shyly looks down at his feet with which he's using to kick mine. I let out and airy chuckle, causing Luke to look up at me.

"Stay." I tell him and he sighs. I pull him back down onto the couch and Dylan and Bridget sit down.

"How long?" Bridget asks.

"Since Sunday." Luke says and I smile at him.

"That's so cu-" Dylan gasps suddenly, cutting Bridget off,and we all look at him.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He says shaking his head before smirking. "Accept that One Directions going to be in town on your birthday."

"What!?" I exclaim.

"They're doing a small concert thing, it's pretty random and then there's a meet and greet after." He says.

"Is it sold out?" I ask sighing as he nods.

"Dang it." I frown.

"Don't worry, you'll get your Horan hug someday." Bridget says.

"Niall's your favorite?" Luke asks me and I blush.

"I always fall for the blonde haired, blue eyed, and cute looking ones." I mumble.

"I'm not cute." Luke groans.

"Yes you are!" I giggle poking his cheek.

"No, puppies are cute. Do I look like a puppy? No, I don't." He says.

"You're cute." I tease him but he doesn't budge. I poke his cheek again and again trying to get Luke to smile. He cracks and his lips pull up into a smile.

"Dylan has magical powers." Dylan says as I press a kiss to Luke's lips.

"Aw! Look at the lovebirds!" Bridget coos and I roll my eyes at her. She's going to tease me endlessly.


"You would not let him leave!" She laughs. "You really like him."

"No shit." I laugh closing my curtains. It turns out Bridget wanted to keep me company and Luke said I should spend time with my friend for awhile. So I let him go back over to his house and Dylan had left a long time before because he had a date with Casey.

"So..." She says sitting on my bed.

"What?" I ask.

"What were you two up to when Dylan and I walked in? Hmm?" She asks and I feel myself smile sheepishly. "You guys aren't going to seriously move that fast right?"

"No, I wouldn't let it get that far. We were just making out and his shirt was off." I say shaking my head.

"But it wasn't going anywhere further?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"We just started dating and I really like him." I say.

"Oh my god, your first mature relationship!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes. "Dylan, this is huge!"

"Oh shut up. We're just not in high school anymore and I don't know, Luke is... Luke." I shrug. "Can you help me out with something?"

"Yeah, what?" She asks.

"Well Friday, Luke and I don't have to take care of the puppy's and I want to go to the park with him and sit on that hill, you know the one we used to go to?" I ask her.

"The squirrel watching hill?" I nod and she signals me to go on.

"I want to have a picnic with him. I don't know, can you set it up that morning? Please? Or at least help me? And then I'll take Luke to it and yeah."

"Of course I can help set it up. I always help you with things."

"That's a lie." I say and she scoffs.

"Just go with it or I won't help you." She warns.

"Fine you're the bestest friend in the entire universe and I love you." I say and she hugs me tightly.

"Love you too boo!"

I hate her.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Well hey there and happy Sunday! How are you all? Did you enjoy the chapter? AWH hope you did!


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