Thirty Seven

264 10 7


February 8th, 2015


| Luke |

I wake up to Dylan's face pressed against my bare chest and smile. She's been around a lot lately and I can't really say I mind because I don't, whatsoever. I feel better with Dylan around me.

She doesn't have to even touch me, talk to me, or look at me, she just has to be near me and I feel happy.

I decide to drag myself out of bed because I have to go to my meeting, so I kiss Dylan's temple softly and get up to change. I leave a little note for her on my pillow where she'll see it. I get into my car after double checking the front door lock and then make my way to the church.


"Anyone have a topic?" The person in the front that just shared asked. She was a younger women, maybe around her mid-thirties.An older man raises his hand and she nods to him.

"Hi I'm Pete and I'm an alcoholic." He says and everyone says hi. "Thank you for sharing, I noticed a lot of what you talked about was your relationships before and after you came into the program and I'm positive that 100% of the people here have a relationship with at least one person in here. So I would like the topic of relationships." He offers and we all kind of silently agree.

"Anyone want to start?" The chair person asks and I volunteer. "Ah good, Luke go on." I smile and nod.

"Hi I'm Luke and I'm an alcoholic." I say the line and everyone says hi back. "Relationships are probably something I could go on about. As most of you know I'm new to the area; I've only been here for a month. I left behind a lot of relationships, including close friendships, my parents, my brothers, and of course I left behind my deceased ex-girlfriend. When I came here I didn't really plan on making a connection with someone, anyone for that matter... At least more than a friendly relationship but, shit happens." I chuckle. "I guess you can say relationships have been a hurdle for me considering the fact that I was more interested in getting away from close ties and introducing myself to a place where I don't know everyone and not everyone knows me. That was really why I had to get out of where I was because everybody knew my situation and I just felt like getting away from it and cleaning off the slate would be good. I also wanted to move out because, come on, mothers can be annoying sometimes. But anyway, somewhere along the line I realized that a big part of my recovery had to do with letting go of the fact that my ex is gone now and that all she probably wants is for me to be happy. So I'm doing all of that, and I'm probably happier than I've been in about over a year." I shrug. "I guess the only thing I can say about relationships to sum all of that up is; relationships can be difficult to deal and it's the struggle that matters most because if you're not struggling, what are you doing? Thanks for letting my share." I nod and everyone thanks me.

I listen for the rest of the meeting and we close with prayer.

"Love what you said son, and I'm glad you worked up that confidence of sharing first." John says coming up and patting my shoulder.

"Well as they say, bite the bullet." I chuckle.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?" He asks me. "You know, maybe have lunch and talk?"

"Uh yeah sure." I say pulling my phone out to check for texts from Dylan. There are none.

"Alright." He says and we start to help clean up.

John and I decide to go to Dunkin Donuts and get some kind of lunch food and a coffee. As we sit there we talk and the door opens and he smiles.

"Oh look it's my daughter and my second daughter!" John exclaims and I turn to see Bridget and Dylan.

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