
457 11 4


January 12th, 2015


| Dylan |

I wake up and decide to shower. When I'm finished I throw my hair up into a bun. I put on a sweater and jean shorts and then go downstairs grabbing a slice of toast to eat before I go over to Luke's.

I said I'd be over at 8 and it's about 7:50. "I told Mrs. H I'd be there at like 8." I tell my mum. She nods and I get up to kiss her cheek. I slip on my shoes by the door, make sure I have my phone, and then leave the house. Luke is just coming outside and I point to tell him to meet me down the street. He nods and we walk on opposite sides of the street before he finally decides to meet me. As he's crossing the street I see him wearing his normal black skinny jeans.

He has really nice legs so he can pull the look off.

He wears black Vans like mine, and a band t-shirt. His hair isn't styled up which makes me smile and his eyes are as blue as ever. He smiles at me and I smile back at him when he falls into step with me with his hands in his pockets.

"Good morning." He says.

"Morning." I respond. We don't talk at all while we walk, as if to just take in the presence of one another.

When we get to the house I knock on the door and Mrs. H answers. "Dylan!" She exclaims smiling.

"Hello!" I wave to her. "This is my friend that's helping with the dogs, Luke. Luke this is Mrs. Hoggard."

"It's nice to meet you." Luke extends his hand to her.

"You as well." She smiles shaking his hand.

"Come in now, come in." She says waving us into her house. "The pups are still in that room with their mother, Lou isn't aloud in there until they grow more and all. But Lou is in here." She tells us leading us to a room. Lou is laying on the couch and perks up seeing me. I lean down to the ground and he comes up licking my face. I giggle and pet him behind his ears.

"Oh, I'm going to be late if I don't leave. Dylan, you know what to do. It was nice meeting you, I'll be back around 8 tonight?" She asks us.

"That's fine. I'm not busy." I tell her.

"Thank you so much guys." Mrs. H leaves the room and then I hear her front door shut.

"So this is Lou?" Luke asks me shutting the door to the room.

"Yeah, isn't he a cutie?" I ask him. Luke sticks his hand out for Lou to sniff and then Lou leans in to lick his face.

"Ew! Lou!" Luke groans and I giggle at him.

"Lou likes to lick people." I say petting behind his ears again. "Do you want to bring him on a walk after we check on the pups and Lucy?" I asks me.

"Yeah sure." He nods and I tell Lou that we'll be back. We walk down the hall and I open the door where Lucy is with the pups and notice they're sleeping all except for one. Lucy isn't asleep either but is simply watching the pup stumble around.

"Awe." I coo getting down on the floor. The pup whelps and stumbles over to me. I lean down and he licks my face. I look to see it the one with the blue string just like yesterday. "You're so energetic." I giggle at him. I crawl over to Lucy and the little pup follows me.

"They're adorable." Luke says closing the door.

"Yeah." I sigh petting Lucy who looks a little tired. The pup jumps on her and I giggle at him.

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