
493 13 3


January 9th, 2015


| Luke |

I ruffle my hair again as we leave the movie. I trail behind the two girls who are discussing how attractive some actor in the movie was.

Cockily I think 'he ain't got nothing on me.'

"Almost all blonde guys are attractive!" Dylan practically squeals.

"Are you saying I'm attractive?" I butt in.

"Ugh, Luke shut up." She groans and then continues to talk to Bridget. Jokingly I come up behind her and poke her sides. She screams in laughter and I laugh at her myself.

I see Bridget give us a look and then she shakes her head.

"I'm really just hoping when we go eat you two aren't going to make googley eyes at each other because that's awkward for me." She says.

"I'd never" I say. Am I even being honest?

Okay, I guess I better explain myself...

Dylan is annoying and way too talkative. But at the same time I really like that she's so chirpy because that means that there will never be awkward silences in a friendship with her - which tends to happen because I'm a typically shy guy. Plus, there's just something about Dylan that intrigues me and makes me get that bubbly feeling that I haven't felt in a long time.

It's weird, having that kind of teenage type crush on someone.

Okay, crush, Luke you're going to far man.

But am I really?

"Luke, what do you want to eat?" Dylan asks grabbing my arm to steer me in the right direction. God this mall has too many corners...

"Chinese food." I say.

"Okay, I'll take you to the good one. There's two, one tastes like absolute dog shit and the other is heaven on earth." She tells me.

"Okay." I say trying to ignore the tingly feeling in my arm. Dylan looks at my arm and I don't know why really.

"You have really sculpted biceps." She says.

"Oh my God, Dyl you can't just go around saying that to people. It scares them." Bridget says and I just laugh.

"Bridget! Look at these mother fuckers!" She says pulling my arm in front of her. Dylan puts it down after a minute when Bridget shrugs and then pokes it. "Do you work out?"

"No, unless you consider playing the guitar a workout." I say and she stops walking narrowing her eyes at me.

"You would play guitar." She says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh.

"I don't know." She says and Bridget rolls her eyes.

"I apologize." Bridget says. "She's a spunky one to deal with."

"I know." I say pulling Dylan away from running into someone. "I always seem to be pulling you away from running into things. First the tree and now people."

"What's next?" She asks smiling at me. We soon arrive at the food court and choose what we want.

"Put it all on one bill." I tell the man and he nods. "I'm paying." I say to Dylan.

"Luke, we've been through this whole riot act before." She whines.

"I'm paying." I shrug. The man rings us up and I hand him the money and get the change back. "Have a nice say sir." I nod to him.

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