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January 8th, 2015


| Dylan |

After Luke and I returned from the paint store we agreed to paint his living room tomorrow and I decide it's about time I get home.

I walk through the door, slamming it and begin walking toward the stairs.

"Sit." My mother says flicking on the living room light, standing right next to the stairs.

"What?" I groan walking over to the couch. She walks over and sits on the coffee table.

"When you go out like that you should really tell me where you plan on going and try to text me where you are so I know." She tells me.

"Alright, I'll make note of that for the future." I say.

"I know you were with that boy across the str-"

"Luke." I interrupt her.

"Luke, all day today. I told you not to get obsessed with him." She says.

"Can I not have friends!?" I exclaim.

"Honey, I don't think he's a good influence." She says.

"You don't even know him!" I practically yell.

"He has a lip ring, he has to be a bad boy." She says.

"He isn't." I say.

"I don't believe you." She crosses her arms. I mirror her and lean back into the couch.

"You can't stop me from seeing him." I say and she raises an eyebrow.

"You're right, but I can express my concern." She points out. "But don't come to me when you learn that he's a bad person."

"Fine." I say standing up. "I assume we're done here. Goodnight." I say.

"Actually I wanted to ask you if you're wrists are okay." She says.

"They're fine unless you touch them." I shrug.

"Do you want to report Chris? It isn't that hard, your best friends father is a cop and well, everyone knows you there." She says.

"No, Luke took care of Chris." I say. "He saw him earlier and they got in a fight and I guess Luke scared him enough." I shrug.

"Dangerous, see." She says.

"Goodnight mother." I say walking away from her and up to my room. I turn my light on and sigh, peeling my shirt off and throwing it into my dirty clothes basket along with my shorts. I turn my ceiling fan on and walk over to my bed laying down.

I can't help but think that the bed at Luke's is more comfortable and I chuckle. After laying in the light for awhile I finally get up and grab my robe to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I finish that I come back to my room and throw the robe onto the chest at the end of my bed and reach up to turn my light off.

I find my way to my bed again and lay down. I listen to the sound of my fan until I fall asleep.



January 9th, 2015


I wake up to the sound of my fan like I fell asleep with it and stand from my bed stretching. I walk to my closet and pull out an outfit, clean bra, and clean underwear. I then pull my robe on and walk to the bathroom.

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