Fifty Four

261 6 0


March 15th, 2015



"I swear, I could write a book about us." I mumble into Dylan's neck.

"What would you call it?" She asks me turning to look at my face.

"The Adventures of Hemmings and Peters." I say and she laughs at me. I let my eyes scan the room and a laugh bursts through my lips and I bury my head into her neck.

"What?" She asks me and I point across the room at her bra draped across the pictures on my dresser. Her laughing fills my ear and I wrap my arm tighter around her. All she's wearing is my t-shirt and underwear and I'm just wearing boxers. But I feel comfortable like this and I hope that feeling is mutual.

Hell, I'd lay here butt naked with this girl.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks me.

"You naked." I say running my hand up her side to lift the shirt up.

"Oh..." She trails off trying to hide the obvious blush on her cheeks. "Why?"

"Because it's a beautiful thing." I smirk. She laughs and smacks my leg before grabbing my hand and pulling it in front of her. I smile and press a firm kiss to her temple.

"I love you." She says quietly turning over to face me.

"Ugh barf." I hear someone say from the doorway.

"Bridget!" Dylan exclaims picking up a pillow and throwing it toward the door.

"Your mum sent me over, she wants to have dinner so we can talk or whatever. Michael let me in." She says. Dylan looks at me suggestively and I wiggle my eyebrows.

"How long ago did you come here?" I ask her.

"Like..." She trails off. "Half an hour ago." Dylan snorts and laughs laying her head on my chest and I laugh as well. "Oh shut up!" Bridget exclaims closing the door.

"I should probably go." Dylan says after giggling.

"Five more minutes." I say climbing over Dylan and she laughs when I put my face into her neck.

"Luke, my mom sent Bridget here a half hour ago she probably already has thoughts in her head."

"Okay, okay. But I'm walking you over in hopes that I'll be invited to dinner." I say kissing her.

"Maybe Michael will come too, you know to meet Bridget's dad." Dylan suggests as I scoot myself to the end of the bed.

"Michael never meets anyone's parents." I say shaking my head and Dylan shrugs. I grab myself some clothes and then toss her a pair of sweatpants to her.

"Are these... School sweatpants?" She asks holding them up.

"Yeah." I say. "Why?" She shrugs and pulls them on tying them so they'd fit. She walks into my bathroom and I hear her gasp.

"Luke holy shit!" She exclaims and I walk in holding my shirt and burst out laughing at her rubbing her neck. "You're like a leach!"

"Well you repaid me." I say looking at my neck. She groans and grabs coverup that's laying on the counter covering up the redish-purple marks.

"Dylan do you have coverup!?" I hear Bridget yell.

"I'll let her in." I say with a wink and go over to the door. "She's in my bathroom." I say and she nods walking past me and I walk downstairs.

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