
476 19 11


January 7th, 2015


| Dylan |

I text Bridget back saying I'd meet her at the party and then walk down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" My mother asks me from the couch.

"There's a party at Dylan's." I say tugging at my dress and slipping on my sandals.

"Be safe okay?" My mother says and I nod.

"I will. Love you." I say kissing her cheek and grabbing my bag with some stuff in it, like a bikini in case people go swimming, a change of clothes, and ibuprofen for a hangover in case I end up not coming home. I also grab my keys before walking out the door and then I cross the street to get to Luke's.

I knock and when he answers the door his eyes widen but he recovers and I smirk.

"Hi. You look nice." I say taking in his outfit.

"This?" He asks looking down at his cutoff and black skinny jeans.

"Yes." I say.

"But this is a normal outfit." He says grabbing his keys and wallet from the table near the door.

"I like it." I shrug.

"Well, thanks." He says shutting his door and locking it. "You look nice too I guess."

"You guess?" I ask him and he just smiles at me. We walk to his car and once we're in it I smell a mix of cologne, coffee, and cigarettes.

"So is this like your typical high school party?" He asks me.

"No, everyone that's going to be there has either just graduated or is older than that." I tell him. He turns the radio on as I direct him where to go and once we get there and he finds a place to park, we get out and walk up the path. I open the door and gesture for Luke to follow me up the stairs.

"Trying to hook up with me already?" Luke asks slyly.

"N-no." I stutter. "I was just showing you where I put my stuff in case I get too shit faced to remember."

"Oh, alright." He smirks. I put my stuff on Dylan's bed and then lead Luke back downstairs.

"Oh Dylan!" Dylan exclaims. "You brought Luke! Have a drink guys loosen up." He says pushing cups toward us.

"I'll pass mate." Luke says.

"More for me!" Dylan exclaims and I take a sip of the bitter stuff. The song changes and Dylan yells out that it's his favorite song and starts to dance. I scan the room and find Bridget.

"Come on." I say dragging Luke by his arm over to her. "Hey girl!"

"Hiiii!" She drags out the 'i' making me chuckle. "I am so tipsy." She says. I boost myself onto the stool next to her and that's when I see someone I was hoping wouldn't be here.


I shift uncomfortably and grab the bottle of vodka that's on the counter behind me pouring it into my cup.

"What's wrong?" Luke says probably noticing my expression. I notice Chris smirk and he begins to back away from his friends. I put my cup down and grab Luke pulling him closer to me.

"Just act natural please. There's a ex-dick incoming." I say placing my hands on his shoulders. He gets the idea and I feel his hands slide onto my hips. A smile comes to my face at the feeling and I wrap my arms around Luke's neck. His blue eyes look into my green ones sending a shiver down my spine.

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