Final Authors Note

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Hello, and Merry Christmas all of you. Were you surprised at this quadruple update? I hope you were because that was sorta the plan.

If you're reading this then yes I have succeeded at finishing this story (though the last few chapters were shit I hope you enjoyed reading this story... Tbh I rushed the last few chapters because I needed to finish this before 2016.) I'll tell you, it's been a real journey. I know for awhile there it seemed like I had given up on writing and I sort of did. But I came back and pushed through because I really do love writing.

As a self proclaimed writer, though I don't get a lot of reads and votes compared to some people, it makes me happy. And one thing I've learned is that you should never give up on the things that make you feel happy. Whatever floats your boat and no matter how stupid or weird others think it is, just do it anyways.

Moving on from that though, I will be going through this thoroughly and editing it, so if you want to re-read it after that's completed just pay attention to the description of this story :)

I thought about writing an epilogue but honestly, this story doesn't need one. If anyone wants to write something, a spin off or a sequel, just tell me and I'll be open to what you have to write and I'll be sure to shout it out! But either way, I'm leaving it up to everyone who has read this to use their imagination and think of what they would want to happen because I have written to the point I have wanted to.

I really hope you enjoyed this story, and I hope that anyone else that writes and loves to do it understands me when I say to never give up on it if it's what makes you happy.

Love you all!

And for the last time on this story...


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