Forty Nine

155 8 0


March 13th, 2015


| Dylan |

"Dylan, sweetheart?" I hear my mom say through the door.

"Go away." I say in a horse voice. She opens the door and Linus comes running in and then the door shuts. I sigh and pick Linus up onto the bed. He licks my face and I smile probably the most I have in a whole two weeks - genuinely that is. "Oh Linus, what am I supposed to do?"

He lays down next to me and I scratch behind his ears. My phone vibrates and I sigh picking it up seeing I have a text from Bridget telling me to call her.

I shrug and dial her number resting my head again onto my pillow.

"Dylan, we're going out." She says when she picks up.

"I really don't want to." I tell her.

"Come on! I'll make it fun okay? There's a party happening." She says.

"Bridge, I really don't want to go." I say laying on my back and Linus moves his head so it's laying on my stomach.

"Please? Maybe you can find someone to hookup with. It's been 2 weeks since you broke up with Luke and you are either at work or at home in your bed. I know you're moping but you need to move on!" She says. "Luke was being stupid and you know it."

"He did have a couple points." I say.

"Whatever are you coming?" She asks.

"Why even is there a party and who's having it?" I ask.

"Well it's a Friday the 13th party..." She trails off and I laugh because of how lame that sounds. "But it's this guys party that Dylan is friends with. He lives like right outside of town, I don't know, he didn't go to secondary with us though." She tells me.

"I guess I can go." I say with a sigh.

"Yay! I'll pick you up in like 2 hours." She says.

"Okay, see you then." I say and hang up. I decide to get up and shower, put on makeup, do my nails, and just make myself presentable. I sigh rubbing my face and getting out of my bed. Linus whines and I turn around leaning down to press a kiss to his head.

"I gotta go shower baby." I coo and he yips and I just smile petting his head. I walk down to the bathroom and take my shower and then walk back to my room. I sigh and look through my clothes picking out black high wasted shorts and when I go to pick out a shirt one of Luke's that I stole falls to the ground.

"Destroy yourself see who gives a fuck." I pick it up reading it out to myself, and remember the day he wore it and knew I would be taking it.

I decide to wear it and grab a bandeau since its a cut off. He always looked really good in cutoffs. I shake my head of the thought and put on the clothing before sitting down and painting my nails.

I laugh remembering the time when Bridget made me paint them a pink color to make me seem less tomboyish and shake my head knowing I would start to think about him again.

I paint my nails quickly and then let's them dry, when they're done I take out my makeup and apply it how I always do and then I look at myself in the mirror. I shrug and grab my vans slipping them on and sitting on my bed with my puppy and waiting for Bridget to get here.


"I'm already so done with this party." I say stepping out of the car.

"Oh stop it!" Bridget exclaims and I flip her off.

"I don't even want to drink." I say.

"Why not?" Bridget asks.

"Because alcohol has disgusted me so much." I shrug.

"Oh, yeah." She nods understanding. I explained the whole Luke situation to her and Dylan in tears in my room right after it had happened. I told them everything about how he didn't drink and about how he just sat there with alcohol in front of him and how he acted like everything was a game.

I explained everything.

"Do you think he actually drank again?" She asks me.

"I don't know and I don't even want to know." I say. We get to the door and enter the house.

"Hey!" Dylan shouts running over to us and hugging me tightly. "Oh my god I love your shirt. Where did you get it?"

"Luke's closet." I say hesitantly and he stares at me. "What?"

"You're wearing his clothes? Jesus fucking Christ, girls mourn so weirdly." He says.

"Where is Casey?" I ask.

"Out with his college buddies." Dylan shrugs.

"Are you two okay?" I ask.

"We're perfect. He's perfect." Dylan says chuckling. "But I'm a little sour after the fight we had. But we got over it." He waves and I sigh. "Sorry! Oh let me introduce you to-"

Dylan's phone suddenly rings and he pulls it out.

"Hey lovebug." He says answering it and walking away from me. I chuckle and shake my head. Bridget has disappeared from my side and I just sigh.

"Are you Dylan's friend?" A guy asks me.

"Me?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. I'm the other Dylan." I say.

"I'm Alex." He says holding his hand out. "Would you like a drink?"

"No, I'm alright. Thank you." I say and he smiles.

We start to talk and then Dylan rushes to my side.

"Uhm, hey." He says.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"Yeah sort of... Uhm, I hate to intrude but I have to steal Dylan." Dylan says to Alex.

"That's alright." He smiles. "It was nice meeting you Dylan."

"You too Alex." I say and then Dylan drags me outside. "Where are we going?" I ask as Dylan pulls out his keys.

"I'll explain in the car." He says opening the door for me. Well, that's never good.

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Cliffhanger ;))))))

ily all, be prepared 👌


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