Fifty Nine

145 4 0


March 21st, 2015


| Dylan |

"Are you absolutely positive you don't want to come?" Luke asks me as I lay on his bed and he's getting ready to go surfing with Jack.

I sigh, "I don't know, I think you just want me to come so you can laugh at me when I fall." I say and he chuckles at me.

"Of course not. I want you to come because it'll be fun. Besides what are you gonna do here all day?" He asks sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Hang out with Liz." I say.

"I won't condone that because then she'll pull out the home videos." He says.

"Oh then hell yes I'm staying here." I say and Luke pouts.

"But baby..." I sigh giving in and sitting up.

"Can't I just like... Lay on the beach and tan?" I ask him getting up to grab a bikini.

"I mean if you want to be boring sure." He says smirking and I frown punching his shoulder. I quickly change after he goes to get things in the car with Jack and he comes back just as I grab my cover up.

"Jesus, you look so hot." He says walking over and placing his hands on my hips.

"Let's not get all touchy feely now." I say pressing a kiss to his lips and moving away from him putting on my cover up.

"Sorry but baby, you look great. I mean you always look great but... You know what I mean." I laugh and drag him out the door.


When we get to the beach we rent out some wetsuits and also rent out a board for me.

"You go surf, I'll teach her the basics." Jack says to Luke once we're all suited up. Jack starts to teach me some stuff about surfing and laughs at some of my techniques.

"I'm sorry surf ninja monkey... I'm not a damn expert like you." I say as he laughs at me.

"Surf ninja monkey?" He asks.

"You Hemmings look monkey like." I say and he laughs.

"Alright, anyways." He says standing up from the ground. "I think you're ready if you want to go try it?"

"Alright..." I trail off nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen and neither will Luke." Jack encourages me. We swim out to where Luke is and sit on our boards waiting for good waves. Luke goes first and then Jack encourages me to go at the next good one.

The first couple times I try I fall off the board and Luke laughs from the shore. I flip him off and keep trying.

"Alright, this next one coming looks good." Jack yells and I nod getting ready for it. I ride it a little before standing up and I hear Luke cheer as I start doing it. I laugh and then suddenly the board slips from under me and I fall back into the wave.

I panic feeling a bit of pain ripple through my ankle. I wash up close to shore and Luke comes rushing over to me bringing me up.

"Shit, are you okay?" He asks frantically.

"Ow, no." I groan and he brings me up to where it's dry waving to Jack to come back.

"Jack will check it out when he gets in, I'm sorry sweetie." He says and I shake my head.

"It's not your fault." I say rubbing his face and he smiles down at me.

"What happened?" Jack asks rushing up to us.

"The wave that took me out caused me to twist my ankle pretty bad." I tell him and he examines my ankle quickly.

"I don't think it's broken but you should still go and check." He says. "Can you try to get the wetsuit off carefully?"

"Yeah." I say and with Luke's help we get the wet suit safely around my ankle. Jack takes it and the board back to the rental guys as Luke lifts me off the ground.

Jack meets us at the car and lays towels down on the back seat and Luke lays me down on those. After we're all settled in the car we drive to the emergency care place deciding that the hospital is too much.

They examine my ankle quickly and then take some quick x-rays just to be sure there's no fracture.

"Alright!" The doctor says coming in. "There is not a fracture, however it seems to be severely sprained so I recommend using the RICE method. Also, I'll wrap it up in an bandage for you, and don't walk on it, obviously. We'll give you crutches so don't worry about that." He says smiling.

"What's the RICE method?" Luke asks.

"Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation." Jack says shrugging when Luke looks at him shocked. "I've had a few sprains before."

"A few? Mr. Hemmings you have had more than a few." The doctor chuckles and so do we. "But anyway, you guys can go after I grab the crutches for you Miss Peters." He smiles and I nod. He leaves the room to go grab the crutches and we wait there for awhile.

"I really don't like crutches." Luke says. "Can I just carry you everywhere?"

"No, I'd like to have independence." I say laughing. "But I appreciate that." I smile putting my hand on Luke's cheek.

"You're breaking a rule." Jack says.

"Jack, shut up." Luke says and I chuckle kissing his cheek. The doctor comes back with the crutches and we adjust them to my height before leaving the doctors office and beginning to drive back to Luke's house.

On the way we stop go get an ankle brace and then we arrive back 5 minutes later.

"See I'd rather carry you then have you be on crutches." Luke says following behind me.

"Why do crutches make you so nervous?" Jack asks him from ahead of me.

"They're freaky!" He exclaims and I just laugh and shake my head.

"I wonder what your mums gonna have to say about this." I say and Luke's eyes widen.

"Oh god." Him and Jack say at the same time and I roll my eyes at them. Such boys.

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