Thirty One

269 8 2

Fetus Cuddly Luke is literally life *insert heart eye emoji* yas!



January 30th, 2015


| Dylan |

"You're like a zombie." Luke laughs waving in front of my face.

"It's PCD." I say in a monotonous voice. "And PTSD."

"Why PTSD?" Luke laughs.

"Because I hugged Niall Horan, like fuck, I'm pregnant now." I curse and Luke laughs shaking his head.

"Babe, it's been two days." He laughs.

"That doesn't make me less pregnant." I say.

"You're so weird." Luke says laying his head in my lap.

"I'm sorry." I push my fingers through the front of his unusually un-styled hair pushing the beanie on his head back a little. "Why isn't your hair styled today?"

"Didn't feel like it." He shrugs fixing the beanie.

I hum and lift his head off my lap and adjust myself so I can lay down with him. Once I do his fingers comb through the ends of my hair and I press my face flush to his chest. He's wearing a sweatshirt due to the inclement whether we are having today; rain.

His sweatshirt is luckily dry and he's really warm. I run my hand down his arm and pull at the cuff of the sleeve, pulling it over his fingers. He tolerates my tugging and pulling and contributes to stroke my hair.

No words are shared between us, we just sort of embrace the presence of the other.

But, a little puppy decided to ruin it by jumping up and licking my face. Luke giggles as I groan pulling away to look at the pup.

"You're a little cock blocker." I say and blush afterwards because of the way I worded that sentence. the pup yelps at me and I giggle.

Luke's arm wraps his arm around my waist pulling my back to his chest and I realize he's leaving room for the puppy. I put the puppy down in front of me and pet his head softly. The rest of the litter is laying down by Lucy or they're roaming around.

Eventually Mrs. H gets home and we leave the house. Luke holds my hand the whole way and we swing them back and forth.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask Luke as we get closer to our houses.

"Not really, you?" He asks.

"Nope." I shake my head.

"I assume you want to come over." Luke chuckles.

"Please?" I ask and he chuckles breathily.

"Come on." Luke tugs on my hand as we cross the street and then walk to his door. "What do you want to do?" He asks opening the door.

"What do you want to do?" I shrug.

"I don't know." He chuckles. His phone starts ringing and he sighs answering it. "What do you want?" He asks into the phone sarcastically.

"Kitchen." I mouth to him and he nods. I press a kiss to his cheek before walking away to get a some water.

"Now?" I hear Luke ask. "I'm not in the middle of anything- Calum, I'm not- Calum, shut the fuck up." Luke says. I chuckle from the kitchen and grab a glass filling it with water and drinking some.

Luke walks into the room and I smile at him. "What's up?"

"Cal wants me to Skype with him." He says.

"Alright." I nod.

"But I don't want to introduce you to him because he'll probably tease me and I'd rather introduce you in person." Luke says.

"I get that, but I'm not leaving." I say.

"Bu-" I cut him off pressing my lips to his.

"No buts. I don't want to go home." I smirk. "You're not getting rid of me Hemmo."

"Fine. What are you going to do while I'm on there?" He asks me, I shrug. "You can watch the tv."

"But won't he know I'm here?" I ask.

"Nah I'll pretend I'm watching it." He says. After Luke gets his laptop he sits down on the couch where I have moved and puts the tv on.


Luke opens his laptop and opens a window where a face soon pops up and sound comes from the computer.

"Aw lukey look at you being all cuddly today!" Calum giggles. I smile and look over at Luke's face.

"Shut up." Luke says. "So what did you have to tell me?"

"Nothing, I just miss you and I wanted to see you. But since I'm not driving all the way to see you Skyping you was the best option." Calum says and I awe at him silently. "Are you watching Spongebob?"

"No." Luke answers sheepishly

"Remember that time the guys and I gave you that stuffed Spongebob for Christmas?" Calum asks Luke.

"Yes, it's at my moms house." I say.

"You didn't even take it with you?" Calum whines pretending to cry. They talk for about an hour before Calum has to go and through that hour I had to try hard to not make a sound.

Luke closes his laptop putting it on the coffee table before laying down with his head in my lap. I giggle at him and fix his hair in the front.

I open my mouth to say something but there's a sudden knock on Luke's front door. Luke sits up pressing a sloppy and quick kiss to my cheek before standing up.

I consider following him to the door but I just watch from the living room. He opens the door and is met by my mother's angry face, arms crossed over her chest, and her foot tapping.

"Uh, hello." Luke says. She ignores him and her eyes drift to mine. And I swear, if stares could kill...

I'd be dead.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Hello it's been a long time! Sorry about that.

I've been v v busy and I feel bad for not updating but I have a lot of trouble writing when I have time to do so and yeah. :(

I'll try to get back on a schedule of I can but I make no promises.

(Totally not 5sos related) Who absolutely loves FOUR???

I can't even pick my fav song off this album, they're all so good!



Double update...?

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