Character Answers

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So before I start anything I got a question on the chapter for Dylan that was actually something that was more like a question for me so I'll answer it anyway since someone was curious!

Q: Why did you decide to have 2 Dylan's? -callme_broken
A: I actually don't know why I did this, I really like the name Dylan for some odd reason and I wanted to make things confusing because I'm a difficult person so yeah! Now let's move onto the characters.


Q: R u an dylan gonna friCkLE frACkle? -that_one_direction
A: What are this? Honestly can't answer this question....

Q: Have you ever been put in jail? -shotgunclifford
A: One time, silly high school mistake. Never give into peer pressure, mate.

Jackie (Dylan's mom):

Q: Why you such a hoe Jackie? Let my ship SAIL!!! -that_one_direction
A: I'm not a hoe! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth young lady!? I don't believe we are talking about the same type of ship?

Q: WHY ARE YOU COCK BLOCKING?! -michaelsteenagedream
A: Excuse me? That is so rude, you should get soap in your mouth!


Q: DTF? -that_one_direction
A: Anything with legs ;)... Joking, I'm not a slut haha.

Q: Marry me? -michaelsteenagedream
A: Idk you that well yet sorry. Take me to dinner first sweet cheeks ;)

Q: Why Bridget? IM PRETTY RIGHT? -michaelsteenagedream
A: Bridget is just a friend right now. I don't even know what the chick looks like. Well your profile pic is of me and I look pretty damn sexy so...

Q: Why is life so unfair? -michaelsteenagedream
A: I ask the same question everyday!

Q: Are you going to embarrass the shit our of Luke when you meet Dylan??? -Becky_Jean


Q: Are you going to embarrass the shit our of Luke when you meet Dylan??? -Becky_Jean
A: .... Lol


Q: Will you marry Dani? -michaelsteenagedream
A: Who's Dani?

Q: Are you going to embarrass the shit our of Luke when you meet Dylan??? -Becky_Jean

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I didn't get that many questions and yeah... :(

I took what I had and worked with it. If you guys come up with more comment on the previous character ask and I'll do another one :)

Merry Christmas Eve, I will be updating! See ya soon!


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