The Maze

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A strike of pain hit darkness then My eyes opened, I was lying on a cement floor with immense pain shooting up and down my body, like it was in my blood. I looked up from the ground groaning with every movement. Walls surrounded me, taller than I could see, boxing me in. I heard my heart pounding in my ears louder than anything then suddenly Click........Click......Click. It bounced up the hallway drowning out my heartbeat. My mind was scattered, I couldn't move nor think about what that was behind me. Click.........Click.........Click. It was closer this time, moving with the sounds.  

I had to move, to save myself from the noise behind. I pulled my arms beneath me and pushed up ignoring the excruciating pain coming from every bone in my body. I was now on my knees, pain leaking from every cut and bruise. My head lifted from the ground, a green oval stood up the hall. I squinted my eyes then. Click......Click.......Click. It rolled and moved with every click becoming bigger and bigger. 

Vines landed on my shoulders and all around me almost hiding me, I grabbed onto them and pulled up, my right ankle touched the ground and a spike of pain hit me making me drop to the hard concrete floor.

I was lying crumpled on the ground, the monster was getting closer. My time was running out. I stood again, my right foot hovering above the ground. I needed to go, I needed to push through the pain. I put my foot down and tried to ignore it. I started to jog, limping on every second step. Tears streaming down the sides of my face, I knew I needed to go faster if I wanted to out run this monster.

I looked behind me to see the monster rolling and clicking. It was getting closer which meant I was a ticking time bomb, a second was worth all the money in the world, slowly trying to keep my eyes on the monster I turned my head. 

BANG, a flash of colour then darkness. 

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