The End Of The Night

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Newt returned with a half drank bottle of the brew "Wow slow down there you mite drink yourself into a comma" He and laughed and sat down between me and the greenie "I'll be fine" He was obviously drunk but he could handle himself so I walked over to Gally pushing gladers out of the circle. 

I was obviously cheering for Gally for most of the night. Then one of the guys Gally was fighting bumped into the greenie knocking him over. He picked himself up and Gally challenged him to a duel he excepted and got his ass beat. He fought back to Gally and kicked him to the ground "Not bad for a-" he couldn't finish his sentence before Gally knocked him down to the ground. He smashed his head against the sand and froze. He turned round moments later "Thomas.....Thomas..... My name is Thomas" He smiled as he stood up a few moments of silence went by before. "Thomas !!" Alby shouted as he stepped into the circle and took his hand. We all crowed round him as he took a drink of the brew and spat it high up into the sky. 

It was deep into the night when everyone started to go to bed. I was leaning against Gally as he drew little shapes with his finger on my hand. "Ok well I'm going to turn in for the night" I sat up and kissed him on the side of the face. I noticed a blonde boy slumped against a log "Hey Gally see you tomorrow morning I need to go chat to Newt" He smiled and headed in with Mihno to the hut. 

"Hey Newt. You look waisted" I laughed and sat down beside him "Tay" He waved at me with the biggest most innocent smile on his face "Hellloooo" He was very much drunk and of corse couldn't handle it "Your going to have a massive hangover tomorrow" I was laughing at how drunk he was. He stopped acting like a 2 year old and put his head on my lap. I started to slowly and gently fiddle with his hair. He moved his head and let out a breath "You really are my best bloody friend" the sentence ended in a whisper as he passed out on my lap. 

I smiled. I will always have so much love for Newt I mean he was the first person that liked me here. I guess he is my best friend as well. He was heavily breathing. I knew he was out cold for the night. I had to get him back to his room without waking him or anyone else. Mission Impossible. 

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