The Day

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I was just how I wanted to be, alone. A feeling of happiness took over my body as I sat down against the wall. I could see outside but I was separated from it, I didnt have to stand up for myself nor did I have to talk to anyone. 

It was amazing for the first few hours but then an overpowering feeling of boredom came over me. I couldn't really move without being in immense pain so I was just lying slumped against the back wall. Even if I just had a ball to bounce off the walls then I wouldn't lose my mind completely.  

I got so bored I counted all of my scratches and bruises, I got three different totals 26, 27 and 34, I get distracted easily and lose count. I'm going to go with 34 it makes me sound tougher. Honestly I was probably the toughest person here if I wasn't injured I could take on every single one of them. 

Most of the day I was just talking to myself, as sad as it was it kept me from going insane or maybe it made me more insane I don't know. For the other parts of the day I tried to flag people over to my cell to talk to or annoy but every time I caught someones attention they just carried on working. 

It was early evening and my main goal now was to try and remember my name, it had been a day since I'd woken up in the maze and I still didnt remember it. I was trying to rack my empty brain for the letters. I really wondered what it could be, what if it was a cool name like theres like Azura or was it extremely simple like Alex. I don't know where these names were coming from but I knew they weren't mine, I knew I would get a feeling when I said mine so I said every name I could remember.

This went on for hours "Bethany, Sophie, Annabell, Luna, Lily" I was just saying every name I could remember until "Sharon, Beth, Taylor......." I got the feeling, the one I had spent my whole day trying to find "Taylor" I whispered under my breath "Taylor...... Taylors my name...... Taylor" I just kept saying it, I knew my name, I knew me.

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