The Way Out

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I'm sat leaning against a tree stump doodling in my notebook with Gally working in front of me. We are just having a normal conversation. I look down at my finished drawing in my book. I drew an almost exact drawing of Gally working. I smiled as I sign the bottom with my name and a little note that says 'Naturally Hansom' with a little smiley face beside it. 

I looked up to see Mihno and Thomas returning from the Maze. "Gally there back" I interrupted what he was saying as we both got up and ran over to the crowd that had formed around the two boys "What the hell you done now Thomas" Gally immediately looked pissed. I pushed his chest back and walked just behind Mihno. "We found something, a new passage we think it could be a way out" Thomas was out of breath but walking extremely quickly. "Really" Newt leaned in to Mihno. "Its true we opened a door something I have never seen before think it must be wear the grievers go during the day" Mihno looked in disbelieve. "Wait, whoa whoa your saying you found the grievers home and you want us to go in" Chuck came to the front of the group running to keep up. "There way in could be our way out chuck" Thomas looked down at Chuck reassuring him. 

"Yeah or there could be a dozen grievers on the other side. The truth is Thomas dosent know what he's done as usual" Gally shouted to the whole group. I grabbed his hand hoping he would calm down but he dropped my hand and ignored me. "Yeah well at least I did something Gally, I mean what have you done, Huh. Aside from hide behind these walls all the time" Thomas's worlds laced with anger "Let me tell you something, Greenie. You been here three days I've been here three years-" Thomas cut him off "Yeah you've been here three years and your still here Gally alright so what does that tell you maybe you should start doing things a little differently" Both boys were raging with anger. 

"Guys.......Hey guys" A girls voice came from the side of the fight it was Teresa. "Its Alby" she silenced the crowd as we all turned to her "He's awake" the crowd stayed quiet as Newt led the way to the med hut. Teresa ended up stood beside me "Hey tes I wanted to say sorry for last night I was really tired and wound up about a few things" I hadn't even realised I called her tes and not Teresa. She looked at me and frowned "What did you call me" she wasn't angry more curious. "Oh its just a nickname" I was partly telling the truth. She smiled "I like it...... T" she smiled once more. She had just somehow given me the same nickname as before the maze. I gave a smile. "I like being called T" the group picked up its pace as we reached the entrance to the Medhut. 

Newt stood blocking the door. "I don't want that many people in the room with him, Tay, Teresa, Thomas, Fry, Mihno and Gally come inside with me. Now" He shouted across the group as the people he selected including me walked into the room. 

"Has he said anything" Mihno was almost breathing down Teresa's neck "No" she walked to the left of the bed as we all pilled into the room. I walked round to end of the bed. "Alby.............. Alby you alright" Newt walked round the bed and sat down beside him. I could only see the back of him but he stayed still almost lifeless. Thomas walked round the bed "Hey Alby........ we mite have just f-found our way out of the maze, you hear me we could be getting out of here" Thomas knelt on one knee talking to Alby. A whisper left Alby "we can't, we can't leave. They won't let us" we all leaned in closer to make out what he was saying. "What are you talking about" Thomas moved forward. "I remember" Alby spoke a lot louder this time. Worried looks passed through the room "What do you remember" Thomas matched Alby volume. Alby turned his head towards Thomas "You.... You were always there favourite Thomas, always. Why did you do this. Why did you come here". 

Commotion out side caught all of our attention. A slowly rising feeling of panic sprouted as the commotion from outside got louder and louder. Thomas ran out side only a few steps in front of me. I reached the door of the medhut. A sinking feeling of realisation kicked into me, that feeling of calm and happiness I had felt only an hour ago that would be gone and not return for weeks.  

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