The Screams

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The late afternoon had turned into evening, the sun was setting, just about to go behind the Glade walls, they sky was a light pink usually I would stare up at forever encased by the wonders it held but tonight I didnt give it more than a glance. 

Everyone stayed away from me, like I was a human devouring monster but I wanted to be alone. I sat hidden in the vines at one of the corners of the Glade, no one rang the bell for dinner and I wasn't hungry, I don't think I could ever eat after how I'd seen Gally. 

After dinner when darkness had almost completely fallen over the Glade Newt walked over to join me, "hey how you holding up" Newt sat down a few feet away from me like I was some caged animal trying to kill him. "I'm fine" I looked up and signalled my hand for him to move over closer to me. 

I had been crying for most of the afternoon so my eyes were heavy and red craving to shut for the night. Newt looked shaken up as well, his hair was stood on end like he'd ran his hands through it a bunch of times and the skin around his finger nails was cut all around, he'd been picking at them. 

Newt moved closer to me and put his arm round me pulling me into his chest, my nose was constantly sniffling from all the crying I had done that day, so every so often he would look down  to make sure I wasn't crying all over again. 

"Its gonna be alright, he will make it our Gally's a fighter on more fronts than just physical, so you shouldn't be worrying your ass of about him" I sat up and Newts hand fell from my shoulder, I believed his words, Gally was strong he could make it, I knew it. 

Me and Newt had been sat staring out into the Glade just talking when a gut wrenching scream came from the Glade, I jumped up, my head darted around the Glade checking for monsters or any sort of threat but Newt didn't jump up he just slowly stood up "theres no threat its part of the changing from what I've been told the changing hurts like hell, a worse pain than we could probably ever imagine" Newts eyes were glued to the Medical hut, my heart sank as I realised the amount of pain Gally was going through, alone. 

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