The Gathering

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I sat in the Med hut with Thomas and Mihno. "So what was it like out there" I looked at the boys to see them both drained. Mihno looked up "This shank saved Alby, tied him up to the vines and saved him, I ran away like a coward. Then this guy killed a Griever" Those last words didnt sit right with me "He killed a griever, you killed a griever" I looked at Thomas who looked down almost embarrassed "I guess so" he replied while staring at the ground. 

I walked to the next room to see Newt and Alby "Hey how's he doing" I sat down beside him. Newt looked stressed "He's struggling to breathe and we can't do anything" Newt stood up and started to pace the room "Hey he's going to be ok" I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder. He nodded "I have to hold a gathering to see what we are going to do about the greenie" I sat Newt back down "You know he killed a griever right" Newt looked up shocked "He killed a griever" I nodded "Ok I need to hold this meeting now" Newt stood up "Tay you can't be-" I nodded "I know its fine I will find Chuck and make sure he's ok" Newt gave a little smile before leaving the room "Get up shanks. Gathering time" he called to the boys in the next room. 

I looked down at the ill Alby. He was covered in green, blue and purple veins, his breaths where quick and probably only taking in the bare minimum amount of oxogen to keep him alive. He had his eyes shut and looked peaceful though his body was infected. A cold shiver went up my spine as I walked out of the room. 

I walked to the begining of the forest where I found Chuck "Hey buddy how's it going" I sat down on a tree opposite him "I'm holding up" He pushed a little smile on his face before turning his attention back to the thing in his hands "Whats that" I moved closer as he opened his hands "Its for my parents, since I don't remember them I made this" he rubbed his finger over it "thats nice" I smiled "Its not like I will be able to give it to them" he sighed and put it in his back pocket "Chuck don't think like that. We are all going to make it out of here" he looked up to me with a little tear in his eye. I put my arm over him pulling him close. He put his head on my chest and looked out into the forest. Within seconds I heard light snoring. I looked down to see Chuck peacefully sleeping. 

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