The Dramatic Girl

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I woke up from my dream to see the low lit Glade. I smiled as I looked up to see a sound asleep Gally with his arms rapped round my stomach. I thought about my dream over and over debating on telling anyone about how I knew her and that I hated her. I guess I should call her Teresa now. 

The Glade got busier and busier as the morning went on. The breakfast bell was rang which woke Gally up. "Morning sleepy head" I smiled while kissing him on the check "Morning" he yawned and smiled at the same time. 

The day whizzed by. I had breakfast, said goodbye to Gally, went running in the Maze, turns out a lot fo the runners quit after Alby got stung but I didnt, I got home and was mapping when Thomas and Mihno walked in. 

"Hey Taylor" both boys spoke at the same time while walking into the hut "Hey guys, How was your run" I spoke not lifting my head from my paper "Not bad, Thomas here can actually keep up with me" Mihno gave a quick laugh. I stood up and walked over to Thomas and whispered loud enough for Mihno to here "Dont worry shank I am far faster than him. He's just full of himself" I laughed and returned to writing my map. 

Clint and Jeff ran to the door "What are you guys doing, your not allowed in here" Mihno walked over to shut the door "Its the girl" Jeff was out of breath "Is she awake" Thomas stepped forward "You could say that" Jeff laughed as the boys ran off. Thomas started off after them "Guess we are following them then" Mihno looked at me and put down his paper. I gave a little laugh before quickly running out of the room. 

We ran to wear the crowd of Gladers was stood "Whats going on" I walked up to Gally and tapped him on the shoulder "Its the girl she's-" something hit his head "Shit what the hell are you ok" I temporally hid behind him until Newt grabbed my arm "your safer under hear" he smiled puling a lid to a create over our heads. "I don't think she likes us very much" He announced to the crowd. Thomas had made his way to the front of the crowd "Can we come up" he was taking cover "Its Thomas" he shouted up to her. The rocks and food stopped being thrown as she peered her head over the edge of the tall building. "I'm gonna come up ok" Thomas made his way up the stair case. 

I turned to Newt "I wasn't that dramatic was I" he laughed and shook his head "Nah you were nothing like this chic" we all stood in silence waiting for her to either push Thomas of the building or for her to come down.

 "Well is she gonna come down" Gally shouted up obviously angry "Em..... I think we are going to stay up here for a bit longer" Thomas leand over the railing then disappeared back into the structure. "Alright shows over" Newt turned to the crowd "Get your butts back to work shanks" He started to pick up the tops of things that we had used as protection and walked off.

 Mihno walked up to me "Did you finish mapping" I turned to him "Just about, you going back to the Map room" he nodded "I'll join ya then" I smiled and led the way. 

The Girl From The Maze - GallyWhere stories live. Discover now