Chapter Seventy Seven

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In the coming days, Rebekah had a few things to sort out.

Having realised that her binding ritual bonds were different to her friends was concerning but not enough to warrant full scale panic.

There was always a hierarchy within a group, and she guessed the marks were representing this. Hers had changed the most out of everyone's, it just took a while for all of them to surface on their skins.

All the boys had only their middle fingers linked by the tattooed chain to the wrist. Draco's only linked his middle fingers to his wrist. Blaise's tattooed ring chain was on his middle knuckle while Theo's still went to the tip of his fingers. Daphne had both middle and ring fingers with the tattooed ring chains, her on the middle knuckle like Blaise. Pansy had hers going to the top knuckle while Tracey's were unchanged from when she got them done.

It seemed like they matched until they got to the fingers but after that, their status in the group was revealed by how long the chains got. The longer the chain, the less trustworthy you were and more Magic was needed to keep you in line.

As the leader, Rebekah's was the shortest of all because she bowed to no one.

That was the first thing Rebekah had to find out.

The second and third were how to get Umbridge back for deciding to use a Blood Quill on a student, one for each offense.

Rebekah was furious when she found out that Weasley had been forced to use a Blood Quill for a few detentions, not enough to scar but enough to leave a mark until it healed. Luckily He had enough brain cells to know not to antagonise the pink bitch again.

The woman had begun to review the teachers and had already pissed McGonagall off by doing it. Even Rebekah knew McGonagall wasn't a woman you wanted angry.

The last thing Rebekah wanted to get sorted was her newest project with DADA. They needed a place to make the base of their operation but the Chamber was off limits for anyone but her group. Astoria and Logan hadn't been allowed down there just yet and wouldn't for a little while.

She needed to find a place soon and get this project started.


"How the fuck did you get a Firewhiskey, Rebekah?" Draco shook his head. "I'm not even surprised anymore. Pass me some."

The group sat in the Hog's Head, all to one corner so they could watch anyone who would enter the pub. There wasn't anyone there but them, but they were expecting only a large handful of people. They had begun to spread the word in their Defense class, and then Astoria spread it to some of her year.

Eight people came along within minutes.

Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were the first, shortly followed by Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, from Gryffindor, Annie Shaw from Slytherin, Cho and Luna from Ravenclaw, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff.

Rebekah had asked them to choose people they would think would stay within the group and not leave halfway through or those who would not be likely to betray. Daphne and Hermione had managed to create a way that would prevent this anyway.

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