Chapter Eight one

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"You are not getting me out of this blanket," Pansy groaned from under the thicket blanket they had ever seen before. She lifted one of the corners. "Logan, get your ass in here. You're a human furnace."

Logan shook his head, looking at Theo as the other boy just rolled his eyes and nodded. Logan shifted Pansy along a little on the bench, getting her to nuzzle into his side for warmth as he laid the blanket over them.

There were nine people in the compartment, enlarged by Magic so they could fit along with too many animals for it to logically work but they made it work.

Hedwig, Corvus, and Astoria's little owl named Aster, were all flying home. On the overhead baskets, Emperor slept with Daphne's cat, Marri, and Theo's cat, Dax. Everyone else didn't bring animals to school with them. Fidele was wrapped around Rebekah's torso, taking the warmth the Witch gave as his head rested on her shoulder. Enyo slept on top of Emperor's head.

"Are you cold too, 'Bekah?"

Rebekah's right hand wouldn't stop trembling, making the charms on her bracelet clank together with each twitch. She shook her head and smiled softly. "Just tired."

"You've been in the Chamber for the last two days," Daphne narrowed her eyes accusingly. "Did you sleep while you were done there?"

it was true. Rebekah hadn't left the Chamber until she absolutely had to. All of her meals were brought to her by HouseElf but she didn't eat. She couldn't eat, nor could she hold it down as she felt her right thigh tremble.

She couldn't stand the sight of her right thigh at the moment, the scars just brought back the pain she vividly remembered. She hid it by wearing trousers or tights, prefering to not see it if she didn't have to.

Having another mark from that bastard just made her angrier than it should have. The scar on her shoulder, the one that signified that she was the Girl-Who-Lived, ran from halfway down her neck, down to her collarbone where it went across to her shoulder before going down to halfway down her bicep. It was large but now paled over the years enough so that it was easily hidden.

The three slashes against her thigh were still pinker than the rest of her skin, making them look angry and fresh.

"I did." She nodded stiffly. "I need time to process everything, and I needed to do some research before I could settle myself down."

Tracey rolled her eyes. "Have you eaten anything? You didn't come to breakfast either, and you didn't come to dinner last night."

"I've had a few nutrition potions to get myself back up but I ate some fruit this morning. I'll eat more tonight," Rebekah smiled softly at that thought. "We're having cottage pie, and if I hear any remarks of how Muggles live, you are sleeping in the garden."

They gulped as Rebekah's eyes darkened, turning icy even with their green hue.

"Got it."


When the train stopped at Station Nine and Three Quarters, all the students that were going home for the holidays were forced to stay on the train for an extra quarter of an hour.

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