Chapter Twenty Nine

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One night, when the whole Second year of Slytherin were studying, Blaise stood up too quickly and spilt Davis' ink all over Rebekah's school bag. The WItch wasn't annoyed by it, just said that she had enough of studying and decided to call it a night.

Her items had been completely soaked in bright red ink, staining her hands as she lifted each item out and cleaned them with a spell. The little book that belonged to T M Riddle hadn't been touched by the ink, strange as everything else was soaked and the book was on top.

Rebekah grabbed an inkpot she had, being it a gift, she couldn't just bin it, she poured a few drops onto the clean pages and watched as the ink glowed and vanished within an instance. For some reason, she became excited and grabbed a fountain pen and began writing.

"My name is Rebekah Potter," She wrote and watched the ink shine for a moment before it sunk into the paper. Then words Rebekah had never written appeared in its place.

"Hello, Rebekah Potter. My name is Tom Riddle. How did you come by my diary?"

So her suspicions were right when she had first read the book's contents. "Someone tried to flush it down a toilet."

"Lucky that I recorded my memories in some more lasting way than ink. But I always knew that there would be those who would not want this diary read."

"What do you mean?"

I mean that this diary holds memories of terrible things. Things that were covered up. Things that happened at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"I'm at Hogwarts at the moment, and I believe that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Of course I know about the Chamber of Secrets. In my day, they told us it was a legend, that it did not exist. But this was a lie. In my fifth year, the Chamber was opened and the monster attacked several students, finally killing one. I caught the person who'd opened the Chamber and he was expelled. But the headmaster, Professor Dippet, ashamed that such a thing had happened at Hogwarts, forbade me to tell the truth. A story was given out that the girl had died in a freak accident. They gave me a nice, shiny, engraved trophy for my trouble and warned me to keep my mouth shut. But I knew it could happen again. The monster lived on, and the one who had the power to release it was not imprisoned."

"Who was it last time?" She didn't want to waste ink on unneeded questions.

"I can show you, if you like. You don't have to take my word for it. I can take you inside my memory of the night when I caught him."

Rebekah was cautious, this was the book to the man who would one day come and kill her parents. But what did he mean? She knew of memory magic but not to this extent. Could she be taken into someone else's memory?

"Let me show you."

With no hesitation, she wrote her agreement and she was brought into the Headmaster's office. It wasn't Dumbledore's office, it was Dippet's. He had been Riddle's Headmaster when he attended Hogwarts. Rebekah doubted the man would hear her if she said anything but she had to be sure.

"Hello?" She said clearly and got no response, nodding to herself as a boy a few years older than her came in. He was much taller than her but he was handsome enough. He wore a prefect's badge on his chest as he took off his pointed hat.

"Ah, Riddle," The Headmaster said as he came in.

"You wanted to see me, Professor Dippet?" Riddle said, looking around nervously.

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