Chapter ninety five

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For some reason, Rebekah hated birthdays.

She didn't like having so much attention on her, it was a lot usually because her friends were like that. They saw birthdays as something to be celebrated because they were born, but as the years waned on and they were nearing seventeen and almost died a couple of times, the Crown realised birthdays were about not having died yet.

They now each celebrated their births as spitefulness towards death, refusing to give up just yet and living until the next year.


Her birthday would have been the day before Lughnasadh, a celebration of the harvest season beginning. Instead of celebrating her birthday, they celebrated Lughnasadh or Lammas as it could also be known as.

It gave the Black-Lupins a reason to celebrate something and allowed Rebekah to have a large amount of the Court at the Black-Lupin manor without it being suspicious to their parents.


The Crown sat in an empty room, all sitting at a long table as Rebekah sat at the head with Daphne at her left and Blaise at her right.

A large paper sat in front of them, a long list of the members of the Court there. All of the members were there, at least those that would be attending school with them. Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley were not attending, the former two finishing last year and the latter no longer attending Hogwarts.

They had to decide who was going to be in the Higher Courts still, wanting to be fair but stern about it.

Some people were easy choices. Annie Shaw, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, and Neville Longbottom were already loyal, but people like Ron, Hermione and many others they had to be careful of.

Even if they all signed a document that would tongue-tie them into silence, they were still wary about it.

The Crown didn't want unneeded people knowing things they shouldn't.

There were so many members of the Court.

If they didn't count themselves in the numbers, there were almost twenty-five people in their year and a few below. More than half were in their year alone, but it was actually most of the people in their year.

Most of the Court were now Sixth years and were in Rebekah's year in school. Eight Slytherins were the Crown, with seven Gryffindors, four Ravenclaws and four Hufflepuffs. They were all Sixth year now.

There were four members from the year below, Ginny, Colin, Annie and Luna, with Colin's brother being in the year below them.

There had been some interest expressed by some Fourth Year Slytherins, all vouched by Annie as good students. One of Annie's friends also wanted to join, a boy named Alec Flinton. There were some other people from the other Houses who wanted to join, being vouched for by some of the older members.

"We've got to be careful about these new members," Blaise said. "We don't know their intentions."

"We started the Court as a way to know Defense," Logan commented. "Now it's turned into something like the Order or Death Eaters. We're becoming a little too political for my tastes."

"Can't be helped," Rebekah said. "Times are changing fast and we need to act. Kreacher."

The HouseElf popped into the room with a stiff nod of his head. Rebekah turned to him.

"Please bring in these members," She handed him a piece of parchment with a list of names.

Ten people were brought into the room within a few minutes, grouped into sitting with members of their Houses.

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