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1 Timothy 4:13
Mathew 26:39-41
1 John 1:9
1 Corinthians 15:33
Proverbs 13:20,12:26.

God is not impressed with your abilities. What he desires is a heart that is turned towards him and willing to do whatever he asked. Because of this, you need to shield your heart, that is, a protective structure to cover or fend your heart to avoid giving entrance for sin to enter. You need this shield to protect your heart because there's always a danger(sin) outside hunting to find a dwelling place. Am saying this because sin changes things, the moment that sin is introduced into the heart, things change and never for the better. That is, it changes people, it corrupts our emotions and attitude. This is why when we sin, our ability to know and understand and turn to God is corrupted. So when JESUS CHRIST came, he said; "For from within, out f the heart of men proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, theft, covetousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. See (MARK 7:21-22)
To avoid this scripture, we need a shield to protect or fend our hearts. Hopefully, God has provided us a way to shield or guard our hearts. And that shield is JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH the SON of the LIVING GOD. He should be our shield. He is the way, the truth, and the life.


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As believers of Christ, we can't say we believe Christ and know nothing of him. After all, Faith comes by hearing of the word of God. If we don't read and study, how can we get this faith? Therefore, we must study the word of God every day to know him more especially the things he desires most, the things he likes and dislikes. You see, the Christian life is a walk of rejection and acceptance. If you don't reject what God dislikes, you will end up in the lake of fire. But accepting what he likes is a way to the New Jerusalem. We need to read more, study more about him because it is through him that we get Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in our walking life. Wisdom is found in the word, knowledge is found in the word. The more you read and study, the more you gain knowledge and understanding not forgetting about wisdom. If you don't have the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of God, how can you be successful? And this success is talking about is not about money, properties, and those materialistic views of life but being successful in serving God. One thing the Bible teaches us is, it directs our path to be upright and righteous. A piece of biblical advice is written in (1 TIMOTHY 4:13).

(JAMES 1:22) say's; "Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James further explained by saying; " Anyone who listens to the word of God but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like." Brethren, the words are clear, don't harden your heart, humble yourself and believe it, and Obey it, and you will get the reward of doing that.

" Brethren, the words are clear, don't harden your heart, humble yourself and believe it, and Obey it, and you will get the reward of doing that

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When we consider the life of mortals, we can't have a relation with one another if we don't communicate. Furthermore, our relationship with others breaks if one treats the other badly. You see, we don't make a u-turn on a highway. Everybody expects to be treated well and no two ways about that. But when it comes to the relationship we have with God, what will say? If you want to know something, you ask. Therefore, I'm urging you to have every communication with God, that is, after believing in him. We need to pray often to God so that our relationship with him can be more effective and tightened. Again, know that there must be hearing and talking in prayer, without this check your lifestyle. (MATHEW 26:39-41) say's; "Pray that you may not enter into temptation". Meaning, God wants the relationship between man and God to be more effective to avoid sin to enter them. Meaning, Prayer also shield our heart from evils if only we live an upright life. If the son himself is praying to his father in heaven, how much more you being idle to pray to the son. Again, repent from your sins say's the lord. Accept your sins and confess it to God, for God to heal you.


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As I said earlier, believe and obey the word. After believing and confessing your sins to God for forgiveness. What is left is to give your life to God. Give your will to God to destroy it, and let his will prevail within and outside you. Your will leads to hell and his will leads to HEAVEN. Doing this, the HOLY SPIRIT will lead and shield you from any evil deeds. Understand that, without the HOLY SPIRIT, man relies on his work, resulting in a false sense of security. The knowledge of this makes him realize he needs redemption. That is, being saved from sin. The HOLY SPIRIT leads us to REPENTANCE and HOLINESS. The word you read is HOLY, therefore, the spirit in it will control you when you submit or rely on obeying the word in a way of living righteously according to what it says. That's, the HOLY SPIRIT gives new life. See (JOHN 6:63). Remember, when we rely on God's righteousness and mercy, we are led to redemption.


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Now, you've studied, you've believed, you've prayed and the HOLY SPIRIT is controlling you now. What is left again is to surround yourself with Godly believers and things. That is wise Christians whose lives have a heart of passion for God. See (1 CORINTHIANS 15:33). He said, don't be misled, because God is now leading your life, that is, the HOLY SPIRIT is now leading your life so don't be misled.

Because if you don't take care, that bad company will corrupt the new life God gave you

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Because if you don't take care, that bad company will corrupt the new life God gave you. God has now transformed you from your evil deeds to a HOLY DEEDS, he has given you a good Character, a good attitude therefore, don't allow yourself to be surrounded by ungodly things and peoples. Anybody or anything who's displaced in your life or around your life which is not appreciable by God must not be surrounded by you. So I wrote a message titled, "AVOID THEM", after that reading it, you would see the type of bad company God is talking about. This bad company comes in many forms, and I will codify it by saying, "Anything that does not get you close to God is a bad company including humans. Brethren, examine your life to determine where you need a fresh start. If you have never committed your life to God. This is the day and time you need to start. Let CHRIST JESUS be your shield to cover your heart from any attacks from the devil. Read further on (PROVERBS 13:20,12:26).

May God help you OBEY to be HOLY.

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