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Psalm 34:15.               1 John 2:29
Isaiah 32:17.                Proverbs 10:3
Matthew 6:33.            Proverbs 15:29

       All true believers in Jesus Christ will admit that they need to grow in the likeness of Christ. Dear friends, let us ask ourselves, what are we living for? Since I love repeating this, know that the Christian walk or life is a character transformation from bad to better, from worse to wise. You see, the living thing has a purpose for living. Eg; some trees live to give fruits, some live to give shelter and shade, some flowers live to beautify the environment and my question is, what do you live for as a human being? Soldiers as we all know live for a command giving to them. That is, they live for the same interest. Dictionary says soldiers are a group of people with a common interest that is, they fight for their government and carry all the necessary arsenals needed for fight, risking their lives in the process for the purpose of their interest which probably I will say for security reasons. In the same way, we believers also have a purpose to risk our lives for. A purpose of knowing Christ will and doing it. That is, we live for righteousness. soldiers for righteousness. You see, "Every true believer knows that, despite personal imperfection, they are securely enveloped in the righteousness of Christ".

      You see, is hard to keep the good news to yourself

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      You see, is hard to keep the good news to yourself. Our joy in the Lord compels us to tell others, I cannot keep quiet, there is harmony in my heart, I love to share the pros and cons I know and understand in the word of God. See (Romans 12:15). Once again, what are you living for? Fellow soldiers (believers), it is our duty as Christians to put on the armor of God and to fight for our salvation with the fear of God and trembling. That is, knowing his will and doing it. You can read the ARMOR OF GOD in this book titled WALKING IN CHRIST. Well, let's dive into one of the scriptures above to see one of the million reasons why a believer must live for righteousness (Psalm 34:15).
" The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry". As verse number 16 turns the table upside down, ask yourself, what I'm I living for? You see, living for worldly things means you are destined to live in hell too. With the scripture, we just dive into it. You could see we believers of Christ Jesus have only one life to live for and that is to live for righteousness where (Matthew 6:33) confirmed it.  I want you to know that, before you can enter the new Jerusalem, you need to live for righteousness.

        It is therefore important for you to remember your creator and live for him and it yourself

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        It is therefore important for you to remember your creator and live for him and it yourself. (Psalm 100:3) shows believers must live for God of heaven and earth. Rejecting the God of everything is the greatest error any man could arrive. (Proverbs 10:3) has given us hope that, we will never go hungry if we live for righteousness. As Christians, our walk must be a life transformation from old to new. Valid and vivid evidence is shown and experienced in (Psalm 37:25). It wouldn't be a problem if you read verses "26c and " 27". Fellow believers, if you know your savior is righteous, then know and believe that anyone who lives for him is born of him.  See (1 John 2:29). Soldiers move together with the same interest. If their mission is to kill the enemy, they move together with that purpose or command. This also applies to we the believers in Christ. Our mission is to know his will and to do it. That is to live for righteousness. We, believers, have no right to live for this world because there is no confidence in the world (flesh). God is not impressed with our abilities, what he desires is a heart that is turned towards him and willing to do whatever he asks. If we live for righteousness, it will tell others to come to Christ. So I made a quote that says "What you project to others shows your behavior". When we live for righteousness, we may meet an individual and never see him again, yet that one contact could be a turning point in that person's life. To bring my message to an end, I would like to tell you that, let what you live for bring a life transformation to others from bad to better, from evil to good and stop being too busy with balderdash things and lastly, hear this caveat,
       " If you miss heaven, hell will never reject you".

Thank you and study further
(Isaiah 32:17, Proverbs 15:29). 

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