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1 Corinthians 13:-13
Colossians 3:14, 2:8
Romans 13:9, 8:7

               Fellow believers, we were built for connection. Our heart requires fellowship. Our minds demand negotiations. Our mouth longs for an ear that understands. Our walking life with Christ is meant to receive love and to release love. The title may be too local but my question is, what type of love are you receiving and releasing? Have you ever stopped to think of the type of love you release to others? You see, you have to know that, what you release shows what you received and what you received shows what you release. But it is sad how many men of today are disgracing and thwarting the original love Christ gave in place of the manufactured love of men has created. And that man-made love is what I call "ARTIFICIAL LIVE". Sometimes I imagined how love is practiced by our youth today. Brethren, sit down and ask yourself that, does your lifestyle goes the opposite way of (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

           Humanity has rejected the necessitous and the requisite love Christ gave and is following their manufactured love which suits them only thinking it pleases God

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           Humanity has rejected the necessitous and the requisite love Christ gave and is following their manufactured love which suits them only thinking it pleases God. Your existence in this world has a reason and that reason is not your reason but the one who brought you into existence, the one who created you and founded you. You see, diverting from the commands always ends up neglecting the necessitous love God gave. I mean the natural love. see (1 John 2:5). The scripture shows God's love is about obeying what he says, and obeying his words will automatically teach you how to treat others and to love others and not your manufactured one.
For me, artificial love is when you gratify the desires of the flesh. With this short explanation, know that the type of love you release depends on the type of love that controls you. As artificial love is explained above, know that satan also creates, and he is the leader of the artificial love im talking about. If satan lives in you, you will release artificial love. The spirit that lives in you is the one creating the love you release that is, you are advertising what the spirit in you is plopping in you. So in (1 Corinthians 13:4-8), the Bible teaches us the type of love we must receive to release and to release to receive. Aside from this love in the scripture, understand that, every love is fake, is not genuine but artificial which always gratify the desires of the flesh.

            Sometimes I wonder how some people say they love and at the same time cause people to stumble through their inward and outward appearance

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            Sometimes I wonder how some people say they love and at the same time cause people to stumble through their inward and outward appearance. How you even treat others may show your love is fake. You wear an indecent dress to seduce others and say you are showing love. You always speak ill of others and say you have love. So Apostle Paul was advising the fellow believers to watch out for those who cause division and put obstacles in their way that are contrary to the teachings of Christ in Romans 16:17-18.
    Brethren, taking the lifestyle of Jesus Christ as a mirror, his lifestyle did not cause us to stumble, his lifestyle did not kill or disgrace us. His lifestyle did not hurt and hate us but it saved us rather from bad to better, from worse to wisdom, from all our iniquities. Therefore, any lifestyle apart from Jesus Christ lifestyle is artificial, fake, and balderdash. With this, I got a quote that says, " your lifestyle is an act of love". If lifestyle is an act of love, then I want to ask a question, what type of love and how do you display or release it?
1. Does it cause division?
2. Does it cause hatred?
3. Does it cause malice?
There is a picture in many wealthy people's minds which I want them to know and understand that money is not a sign of love. Colossians 3:12-17 teaches us the natural, genuine love of Christ and if it is opposite to your lifestyle then understand that you are practicing artificial love. Fellow believers, the love of God does not harm and cause problems. see (Romans 13:10). Again, living in the flesh always gives fruit to artificial love. See Romans 8:7. To conclude here, I will urge you to reject all feedback and comments that breed doubt and defeat. And know that, living in the flesh always produces artificial love and you can see one of the explanations of artificial love in (Philippians 3:19).

Always remember to help others to stand and not to fall..

Thank you and stay blessed.

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