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PSALM 139:1-4,13
PSALM 146:3-9
PROVERBS 19:2, 20:24, 21:2, 3:5-6, 5:21, 14:10, 19:14, 19:21, 16:3-4.

           Brethren, this topic may be un-understandable but am pouring it out for you to have time for it. You see I am not an expert like Christ who is forever perfect. All I ask is a little wisdom from Christ who is always perfect. This is because I know results are not reward. Am saying all this because the moment man sinned, the ability to know and understand God was corrupted and distorted but thanks be to God the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, that is, the truth about the knowledge of God. Its been years, months, days, and hours even seconds thinking about this topic. And thanks be to God that I got this. Because the system or the generation today where women and men have inherited for finding and marrying a future spouse is something that needs to be checked. The reason is, it is less talk in our Churches. So when I checked this topic, my instinct told me it is not prescribed in the HOLY BIBLE. They are not found in the scriptures, there are no specific laws and commands about them. It is an unbiblical method that crafted the world with no boundaries or ethics, no rules and values. They are man-made not God-made. Therefore practicing man things to get God made things is not acceptable in the sight of God. Obeying your will to get Godly things is an error.

            There are different kinds of names about this topic like1

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            There are different kinds of names about this topic like
and more. But for me, the Holy Bible does not tell me is the way to marriage. And there are numerous definitions about this topic which were defined by men, meaning I can also give it a definition to suit my will. You see, sin has turned things upside down thinking practicing this pleases God. Don't worry, I will give you my definition later. King Solomon the master of many wives and concubines is telling you, a prudent wife is from the lord. You see physical affection does not stir or arouse up lust only but is a hell practice too. See (SONGS OF SOLOMON 2:7,3:5,8:4). God's plan has always been one man, one woman to marry to become one flesh and that can't be thwarted.  But it seems our main focus in this generation is,
1.How can you marry someone you don't know? Is true but some are taking this question as an advantage and have created some alliance in a way of DATING AND COURTING.  But to ask you a question,
1. How can you find someone to make you happy.
2. How can you honor God in his direction regarding your life partner?
Am asking this because many men of today have created their question and answers just to suit them. Most people say you need to study one another 1st. With this, I have no problem with it, in fact it is good to be wise but the question is, to what extent? We are flesh and we can only study flesh, so seeing a good flesh does not mean you people match. Now, God is spirit and we serve him in spirit and truth,  that's why the Bible says We should serve him in Spirit. I remember PETER asking JESUS that WE'VE LEFT EVERYTHING BEHIND AND WE ARE FOLLOWING YOU, WHAT AT ALL WILL WE GAIN and JESUS ANSWERED: ETERNAL LIFE. For me, it is advisable to let God in spirit teach you the way to get your life partner. It is a cheat because you your lifestyle does not please God, you ain't seeking his kingdom and his righteousness but you want a good wife. Adelphoise, Bad can never gain good without repentance, Mango tree can never bear an Apple fruit, or have we forgotten (JOHN 9:31) still exist.

   You see, maturity and readiness for marriage are not considerations in the decision to date or court

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   You see, maturity and readiness for marriage are not considerations in the decision to date or court. It is just a selfish enjoyment. Making a growing relationship with the Lord JESUS CHRIST is the perfect decision any man could arrive. See ( MATHEW 6:33). God says he will provide if we only seek his kingdom and his righteousness first. And these words made me believed what Proverbs said: " A prudent wife is from the lord". Meaning our work as believers is to seek his kingdom and his Righteousness first and not a life partner. It is sad how many men and women of today are soo serious and focused on marriage than Righteousness. Marriage has become their first item on their scale of preference. But when I was young, in Sunday school, they always tell us "IN EVERYTHING GOD FIRST". People may be in doubt of what am saying because many marry based on the fact that they are too attached to break things off because the person is a wise match. But with this, I remember the Holy Bible telling me I shouldn't lean on my wisdom. The thing is, we don't have an exclusive, committed, emotionally intimate relationship where both individuals believe they belong to each other outside the covenant in the scripture. So (1 TIMOTHY 5:2) says, Treating you as my sister or brother. So please ask yourself, how does the relationship between you and your brother look like? Psychologically, the relationship between you and your brother or sister can never be the same as the person you are dating or courting physically and spiritually because of some mutual agreement. If your thinking can even be a sin then I will advise you to turn from this topic.

                You see, there's no 💯% clue that, this girl or boy is my future or will be my future partner

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                You see, there's no 💯% clue that, this girl or boy is my future or will be my future partner. I wish you know how lust works. You can say Christian dating and courtship but know that is just a name after all God does not take Christians to heaven but righteous people and being a Christian does not mean you are in Heaven. God only selects Holy people, righteous people to his presence. You can check one of my messages title DWELLING PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS. Brethren, it is not a sin to have the desire to marry and to fall in love with someone, after all, we are humans and we have feelings but the truth is, leaning on your wisdom is unbiblical, is not right. I haven't seen any steps to get married where we have gotten many relationship names.
All I know is persuing (PROVERBS 3:6)  that in all my ways I should submit to him (God), and he will make my paths straight or will direct my path.  Well, I will like to end this lesson here but expect more details on this topic. That is lesson two is coming.

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