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Matthew 7:7-12, 6:33
Luke 19:-10, 11:13.
John 14:16,26, 20:22, 10:9
Acts 14:27.
Acts 2 - (ASK)
Colossians 4:3 - (KNOCK)
Deuteronomy 4:29.

           Fellow believers, we can be sure that the Bible has given us enough information that we the hearers could make a proper response. And in the sight of God, the response is not "yes" but commitment, sacrifice, etc. You see, humanity falls into sin marred the image of God within us but with Christ, that image can and will be restored in believers. And this is the information I'm talking about, the information about Jesus Christ and how to obey him. This A-S-K  is what God telling us to practice. Trusting the living God with every aspect of our life is very important to our spiritual growth and this spiritual is when you trust humbly in God's plans and his leading rather than your plans. Matthew 7:7   is a testament of my title and I will use it as an exhibit to project to you the little wisdom gave me. These three words ASK, SEEK, KNOCK (ASK) must be mere words but the truth is, it entails a lot. I will take word by word to give terse and concise details about it from the word of God. I'm saying this because I don't want it to seem like I'm talking from my mind. Now to start the journey, let's tackle the first word which is A- ASK.

                A for ASK, I will say, have you ever stopped to consider why people ask something. You see, we ASK because we want results or want to know something. If I don't want to know anything, I won't ask for anything. If I don't want anything, I won't ask anything. We ask to get information, we ask to get something we want to know. An example is when your son or daughter asks you for money. I will therefore ask we believers, What are we asking from Christ? Many people came to Jesus to ask for healing. Some even followed him for food's sake. But the truth is, how many of them asked for the HOLY SPIRIT. This span is still happening in this generation. Most believers pray because of Job, money, wife, or husband. Is not bad. People nowadays go to church for money's sake, for job sake. Is not a sin to do that too. But as a believer, the most important thing is to ask for the HOLY SPIRIT. The Bible said something in (Luke 11:13). The wisest decision for every believer is to ask for the HOLY SPIRIT. This is because the Holy Spirit can manifest in our lives because it has some fruit and that fruit is found in (Galatians 5:22-23). This Spirit can give us money, wife, husband, or job. This is the reason why  (Matthew 6:33) exists. Just imagine if this Holy Spirit is in you. God desires that we are transformed into the image of his son and this is when we live in obedience to God's word which is telling us that, if we ask for the Holy Spirit the father in heaven will give to us because Christ has already said, "Ask and it shall be given unto you". This is a testament to us that, we should ask wisely. King Solomon ask for wisdom, not money, You could see the wisdom he ask brought him money, he was the richest man on earth till now. But it is sad how many believers live without obedience to God's word and at the same time ask God for money, marriage, job, etc that gives us no salvation. The focus is, I want money, I want Job, I want a car and more. You see, they ask for things that can't save them, that can't transform them from hell to heaven. Their main focus is physical satisfaction. You see, if we become worldly, the spirit of God will not dwell in us. This is because, according to Jesus Christ, the world cannot receive the Holy Spirit, see (1 Corinthians 3:16) and even it is the Holy Spirit that testifies we are the children of God. See (Romans 8:16), not jobs, etc. These are the many reasons why believers should ask for the Holy Spirit. See (John 14:16). It says " and I will ask the father and he will give you an another advocate to help you and be with you forever, that is the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth". You see, Jesus said if we ask the Holy Spirit, the father in heaven will give to us, and now he said the father will give us the spirit we ask for. He never made mention of Marriage, Job, Money, etc. Know that the Holy Spirit can direct you to the job you have to do to get money, the holy spirit can direct you to the woman you have to marry, remember, a prudent wife is from the lord. Money, cars, shouldn't be our aim as Christians. Now, did Jesus Christ fulfilled his promise by asking the father to give the Holy Spirit to us? See (John 20:22) for the answer. Brethren, in all, I will say, the wise decision is to ask for the Holy Spirit whose fruits lead to eternal life.

                      S for SEEK, I would like to use Zaccheaous to project to you what it entails. Zacchaeus is a descendant of Abraham and a tax collector by profession. A Chief tax collector. A name that means pure and innocent. He did something which ended up in a life transformation from bad to better. One day he heard Jesus Christ passing through the city he dwells. And how he fought to see Christ was something more than determination. He got distractions, blocked by the many crowds around Jesus Christ, and because of his height, there was no other way than to climb a sycamore tree. There, he was singled out by Christ because he achieved the motive why he went there. He was Soo determined to see Christ, he rejected the crowd sake of his natural stature, he never gave up but he fought hard by seeking Christ. Christ saw him and said unto him "Zaccheaous, make haste and come down; for today I must abide at thy house" . (Luke 19:5). No wonder Jesus said "Seek and you will find". What Zaccheaous did was from his heart, and he sought the right person at the right time and at the right purpose. This must be an exhibit for we Christians. See (Matthew 6:33). But is often sad how many believers are seeking Pastors instead of Jesus Christ. They use all their energy to seek for business but when it comes to God, they don't have time. They seek money more than seeking to get saved. But God said, " You will seek me and you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart ". See (Jeremiah 29:13).  We don't seek by mouth. See (Deuteronomy 4:29). Brethren, what are you seeking? Is it men, women, girlfriend or boyfriend, is it job , money, etc. Well, see what (Matthew 6;33) is telling you. Zaccheaous practiced this quotation above and salvation captured him. Brothers and Sisters, we serve a living God so seek him with all your heart, mind, body, and soul and salvation will never forsake you. 
                 K for KNOCK - I will start with a question, why do we knock at a door? Is it because you want to enter through that door or to offer information to the person in that room or to see if someone is in the room. It differs, everyone has their own reason why he or she knocks at a door.  I want you to know that JESUS CHRIST is the door here. Jesus Christ said, " I am the door, by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture". See (John 10:9).  When Zaccheaous saw him, Christ open the door for him and he entered and got saved. Zaccheaous sacrifice everything he has for Christ's sake. (Colossians 4:3) will tell you that God should open a door for our message, he was talking about the salvation message, and inside that door exist salvation. Christ is always ready to open the door for us if only we knock. To conclude; Asking God for the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit teaching you will help you practice Matthew 6:33, through that, the door of salvation will be open for you undoubtedly". Brethren is high time we seek for good things to enter for good reasons. If you can't be a police officer without qualification of the necessary requirements, so as you can't go to heaven without the Spirit of God leading you. 

Be wise and start Asking, Seeking, And Knocking. Thank You and God bless you

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