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           In( 1 CORINTHIANS 7:25)  Apostle Paul was telling us that, concerning the unmarried people God has not giving him any command. Now my question is, has God given any command to the other Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles apart from Paul up to this generation?
But from the scripture, it seems there are no rules and regulations for unmarried people. Meaning this dating and courtship is unbiblical, it has no ethics, no rules, and values. You see, the human soul can't be measured where you adhere to your feelings thinking someone is 💯 fit for you. We shouldn't be committed to anyone God hasn't clearly indicated will eventually be your spouse. Remember, physical affection does not stir up lust only. Desire without knowledge is useless because this knowledge is from God. How can you have the desire to date someone or court someone without any knowledge? You may think you have studied the person, but spiritually it is your physical affection that is controlling you. Without the spiritual knowledge about marriage, you will miss the way of God and that's what I call *WRONG MEAT*. But sometimes I wonder if our lifestyle gives us the access to get or experience this spiritual knowledge. Am saying this because a lifestyle that does not please God cannot get this Spiritual knowledge. This is because God said he does not listen to the prayers of sinners. When I checked this topic in the various dictionaries, spiritually no one can practice it. You will understand me if only you know how lust works.

                     Paul the Apostle said; According to the singles, the unmarried people, God has not given him any command but it is sad how many men of today have created their ways to get married through dating and courting as they call it.  JESUS said I am the WAY, but men of today have created their way of thinking is wisdom and wiseness.  As I said earlier, I don't know whether it has been revealed to our Pastors, Evangelist, and others but for me and spiritually, is not in my Bible. The Bible says we should worship God in truth and Spirit but we have turned the table outside down and we are rather worshipping God in lies and flesh. You see, sometimes I weep over all situations where some young teens of today are also practicing this topic at the age of 16,17,18,19years. Brethren, this is appalling.  So sometimes I ask myself, what is the aim and what type of achievement do they want in this practice at their age.  One thing I have realized is, Satan keeps us away from seeing Christ by tempting us to seek human relationships more than seeking God's relationship. I made a quote that says; *IF CHURCH MEMBERS DON'T SUPPORT THE IDEA OF PASTORS AND EVANGELIST DATING AND COURTSHIP, THEN WHY ARE THE CHURCH MEMBERS DATING THEMSELVES* JACOB AND REBECCA should be an example for you of what am saying. They were brought together supernaturally by God. And if we serve this God, then we have to know, he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Again, the devil always tries to tempt Christians to rush into seasons they are not yet ready for. See(PROVERBS 19:2). It is sad how people are rushing to date and court without any spiritual knowledge of what they doing.

              In (PROVERBS 3;5-6), *Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding.* You may understand the meaning of dating and courtship but the Bible in front of me says don't lean on it. Practicing it means you don't trust God. Proverbs says, submit all your ways to him and he will straighten your path. Brethren, if God is telling you this, then why don't you just submit your ways to him because he knows the best. If you want God's will, you will have to follow his ways and this topic is not part of his ways. It is good not to behave like marriage is something man-made. ( PSALM 139:1-4) shows God is Spirit and he knows everything about you, so as flesh as you are practicing this topic thinking is a step to marriage is something you need to check it well. Don't even think it pleases God. See (PSALM 146:4-4). I got an encouraging message in (PHILIPPIANS 4:19) * God will supply all our needs*. We don't get a prudent wife from studying one another but rather it is God who gives. In (PROVERBS 14:10), the Bible says *Each heart knows its bitterness, and no one else can share its joy* This made me ask myself, can we study someone's heart to the extent of sharing its joy? If no, then what at all do we study from one another? Is it behavior? Man gave meaning to this topic, not God. So in PROVERBS 19:21, it says * Many are the plans in person's heart, but it is the lord purpose that prevails*. Now, has God told his purpose about this topic? It seems we are too Artificial, we have forgotten we serve God in spirit and truth. Am not here to discourage you but am here to make you think of my message.

    In ( JEREMIAH 10:23), the Bible says: *Lord, I know that people's lives are not their own, it is not for them to direct their steps*. If God is directing our steps then wherefrom these steps to marriage created by man. Adelphoise, let the word of God speaks. It is not a stupendous way to practice this topic. God is not impress in practicing it. (PROVERBS 20:24) is telling us that * A person's steps are directed by the lord, how then can anyone understand their way?* If JEREMIAH 17:9-11 still, then I wonder what you are studying from one other. See (ISAIAH 30:1) *You carry plans that are not from the lord, you form an alliance that is a mutual benefit but not by my spirit, heaping sin upon sin*. No wonder Paul the Apostle said he had no command about unmarried people. Brethren did God spirit told you to date that girl, lady. You see, our problem is, we don't fully have faith in JESUS CHRIST, but we have more faith in our plans, thoughts, imaginations, and mutual benefit. But the truth is if you have faith God can do everything then believe he can give you a prudent wife or a good husband. He is the God of everything where the nation adore. He has done it before ( ISAAC AND REBECCA) and he can do it for you too. Adhere to MATHEW 6:33. To close the picture, know that we serve God in spirit, not flesh. And preparing the flesh for marriage is when you are being responsible and capable of being a vessel in the sight of God. And always remember, a prudent wife is from the lord. Let God speak and don't lean on your understanding.


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