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        The life of the believer is characterized by several experiences that altogether affect the quality of his personality in the eyes of God. We must have an understanding that our journey as children of God should end on the throne. Thus, we have been saved through repentance so we need to end up in heaven and also inherit the kingdom and rule with Christ. With this, God the father is Righteous, Jesus Christ his son is the righteous one and the father through the son and in the spirit gives the gift of righteousness to repentant Sinners for salvation; such believing Sinners are declared righteous by the father through the son, are made righteous by the Holy Spirit working in them.

 With this, God the father is Righteous, Jesus Christ his son is the righteous one and the father through the son and in the spirit gives the gift of righteousness to repentant Sinners for salvation; such believing Sinners are declared righteous b...

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         Righteousness is the quality of being morally correct and justifiable or displaying correct, true, factual, excellent, just, morally upright, correct for situations, and more. Since this book is a way of Walking In Christ, let us look at God's righteousness so that believers can walk in the same path as Jesus Christ.
The righteousness of God is one of the most important attributes of God in the scriptures, to live a righteous life has to do with God's actions, not your actions. Thus, they are always right and fair.
In (1 JOHN 4:17) he said in this world we are like him (Jesus), that statement alone shows how every believer needs to repent and live a righteous life because if Jesus is righteous and if we are like him, then we need to be righteous. To live Righteously is to avoid sin because Jesus never sin. Sometimes I laugh because I have never seen a person living on earth or have lived on earth without saying SORRY except for JESUS CHRIST, adelphois, we serve a living God.

 Sometimes I laugh because I have never seen a person living on earth or have lived on earth without saying SORRY except for JESUS CHRIST, adelphois, we serve a living God

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          In (EPHESIANS 5:3-7) shows how God wants us to avoid sin. "But among you, there must not be any hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity or greed because these are improper God Holy people". In other books, it says "fornication". But fornication can be in different ways or species of the same thing, it may also imply adultery, uncleanness, unnatural lusts. How degrading it is the soul of man to mention this type of sin and how abominable it is in the eye of God. God said 'let it not be mention in you'. But is sad nowadays when people agree on lesbianism, gay, and even feel happy to have sex before marriage. Don't joke with God's salvation and judgment.

To continue, if you want to live a righteous life, then adelphois don't hate to be corrected, because I have never seen a righteous person without been disobedient to God, not even JOB. Let us have a look at (2 TIMOTHY 2:19), I love the last statement very much, it says "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness". Brothers and Sisters, we can't Walk In Christ when we have wickedness in our lives. Someone may ask, what at all will we get in living a righteous life, or what will be the end product of living a righteous life. To go into details, to live a righteous life is a way of inviting the Holy Spirit in your life to take absolute control of your life so that you have the fruits of Spirit, read (GALATIANS 5:22)
In (GALATIANS 5:16), it says "we should live by the spirit, and we will not gratify the desires of the flesh, And to live by the Spirit is to live a righteous life so that our end product will be in heaven and inherit the kingdom will Christ. Adelphois, without a righteous life, no one can go to heaven, therefore let heaven be a must, a target. To live righteously read on: (ROMANS 12:1-2, GALATIANS 6:7-10, LEVITICUS 19:1-3, 1 PETER 3:14, PSALM 25:8, MATHEW 6:33, MARK 7:20-23, PROVERBS 21:3, PHILIPPIANS 4:8).

 To live righteously read on: (ROMANS 12:1-2, GALATIANS 6:7-10, LEVITICUS 19:1-3, 1 PETER 3:14, PSALM 25:8, MATHEW 6:33, MARK 7:20-23, PROVERBS 21:3, PHILIPPIANS 4:8)

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To live a righteous life is very important to everyone. In (JOB 1:8), Then the Lord said to Satan "Have you seen or considered my servant JOB, There's no one earth like him, he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shun evil", This saying is officially spoken from God's mouth. This was a person who lived a righteous life before the Lord. If Job has done it, then you can do it too because JOB was a human-like I and you. Is time we shun evil..... (GALATIANS 5:17), Is time we fear God, is time we crucify sin for God loves us and he is always ready for us every day. That's why he said "I am the truth, the life, and the way. Only God is the way, truth, life, without him, we are useless.
         Let's also remember that upon all JOB righteousness, he got distracted, disturbed, problems, worries and many more and it was because of his righteousness, But in the end, all that Job lost was doubled to him by God because he overcame the obstacles which were founded by God. these means, if you do bad things, Satan will be there to help you but if you live Righteously Satan will hunt you. Job lived a righteous life and was hunted the same happened to the son of God JESUS CHRIST. Jesus was crucified because of righteousness and our sins. To take a moral lesson here, if you make up the mind to live Righteously, no matter what you do you will meet obstacles, troubles.
JOB said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I shall depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." - (JOB 1:21).
Now brethren, how many of us do we often say these when troubles, distraction, and worries come our way, Adelphoise, is part of righteousness, worries and troubles are all part of living Righteously, all these are part of the ways of WALKING IN CHRIST.
  Earthly things are not for us, but with a righteous life, we can enjoy some of them as Job did. Trials may come our way but let your focus be on God, let your focus be on repentance and righteousness.

I hope you enjoyed it, that's why you are blessed if you believe just say this:

      "Lord Jesus, if I am not, may you put me there, and if I am, may you keep me, help me live a righteous life in JESUS NAME. AMEN.

Probably, I made this quote which goes:

The next chapter will be OBEDIENCE.

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