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Hebrews 4:16,      Titus 2:11-15
John 1:15-17          James 4:6

        Obedience and Disobedience, the Bible presents the terms in connection with God's will as synonymous with life and death. Know that JESUS CHRIST's teachings on self-sacrifice must not be divorced from a relationship with him. He wishes a basic denial of the will of self in preference for God's will to be under his Grace. Indeed it is by grace and mercy of God that is why we are still alive. But one thing we have to put in mind is that he never gave the promise that, the journey would be easy. Not having Jesus Christ in your life means, you are not under his will because grace is only found in him. You see, to be under his grace is very important for us because as mortal as we are don't deserve to be saved. However, if I may ask, what is Grace? One of my dictionaries on my phone says Grace is an unearned favor from God'. That is, something you didn't deserve. We normally greet one another like How are you? then we respond as By the grace of God I'm fine. But my question here is, what are you doing under grace before saying by the grace of God? You say you are fine by the grace of God is not a qualification that you are saved or you are under his grace. Is just by the mercy of God and mercy is when God gives you ample time to repent. God is a long-suffering God, he is patient and doesn't want you to die in your sins. So Apostle Paul said something to Titus in (Titus 2:11-12) that; 'for the grace of God has appeared that proffer salvation to all people, ¹²it teaches us to say no to in godliness and worldly passions(lust) and to live self-controlled, upright and Godly lives in this present age". Brethren, this is the message about the grace of God. They are clear. if you say you are fine and are saved by grace then ask yourself whether you are adhering to these teachings or not. The grace of God does not consist of anger, malice, hatred, fornication, idolatry, adultery, gossiping, and lust, etc. Apostle Paul said the grace of God teaches us to say no to ungodliness, so my question is, are we obeying these teachings, are we saying no to ungodliness. Brethren, we can never be under God's grace if we don't obey these teachings. see how (Isaiah 40:6-7) described us if we don't live under God's grace. Jesus Christ is righteousness, grace is only found in him, therefore living righteously under his Grace which is why you are living will get you saved. James said, God resists the proud, the unrighteous, the ungodly but gives grace to the humble. You see, humbleness is a great grace before God.

       What I want us to learn is, those who are humble, who turn from their sins, and who have faith in the greatest sacrifice of Jesus Christ have access to God's gift of Grace

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       What I want us to learn is, those who are humble, who turn from their sins, and who have faith in the greatest sacrifice of Jesus Christ have access to God's gift of Grace. Without holiness, no one will see the lord. Without holiness, you can't be under God's grace. see (Hebrews 12:14-16). If grace is found in Christ Jesus and you live in bitterness, then don't think you are under his grace. In (Galatians 5:4), Paul said this to the Galatians because some of the Jews believed circumcision was necessary to be saved. You can say you are under God's grace, but if you don't adhere to the teachings of the grace, then I must tell you, you are just deceiving yourself. Sins make us fall from the grace of God, so be wise. See (John 1:15-17). You could see in the text that, he said, Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. Meaning, if you don't have Christ, you can't get the grace in you not forgetting the truth also. Again, if grace and truth walk together, then you can stay you are under the grace and at the same time be untruthful. Brethren, it is existing and it is possible to fall from the grace of God if care is not taken. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior does not guarantee you a ticket to heaven or the new Jerusalem but adhering to his teachings does. Your first step is to accept him then you obey him.  When Jesus Christ brought as the grace, he spoke to us to repent. And if you are living ungodly life, what shows you are under his grace. You see, Hid unmerited love and favor has gifted us a great grace through Jesus Christ with whom if we believe and obey we will get saved or eternal life. Our sins carried a death penalty but for his unmerited love and favor through Christ's sacrifice, his shed blood has given us his grace.

      Brethren, there's no fixed price for this grace, we don't pay for it

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      Brethren, there's no fixed price for this grace, we don't pay for it. It is a gift from God. It is God who determines who will receive his grace. Therefore, what is your task?. See (Romans 6:1-14). Brethren, don't play jokes with this gift of Grace. Don't allow satan to think he is winning and you are losing. Sin does not give the Grace of God but it gives the Grace of Evil which leads to an eternal lake of fire. Jesus Christ has died already, the grace has been giving to us already but there are teachings in this grace, and that is to say no to ungodliness, say no to evil deeds, say no to what God hates and dislikes. Don't forget the reward for disobedience is not grace. Grace is inside Christ and Christ is Obedience. Therefore, I urge you to seek him with all your heart, your soul, and your body, in fact, every aspect of you in order to be under his grace. It should be a must fellow believers as stated in (Mathew 6:33) saying; 'Seek Ye the Kingdom of God and his righteousness first and the rest shall be added unto you.

Thank you and stay bless.

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