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(PROVERBS 11:14)
(JAMES 4:14)

God's ideal plan for mankind has never changed. It was a human failure that precipitated the terrible changes brought about on the earth and human failure promoted by God's enemy. But thanks be to God for giving us life so that through him our Christian walk can be a continuous process of character transformation from bad to better, from worse to wise, from fake to faith, from old man to new man. The above topic shows how believers must be serious in their walk. WISE is when you show experience, knowledge, and good judgments while NATION is a large body of people united by common descent, culture, language inhabiting a particular country or territory. As the two words have been explained, I want us to talk about Christianity being a nation. From the explanation on the nation. It says, unity, common descent, one language, and culture and since every nation constitutes to these activities then we must understand that Christianity also has a language they speak, the culture they perform, unity, and common descent. Believers in Christ, if we said we are true believers then where is the love Christ talked about, the unity, the language he brought to us. In terms of culture, how do we adorn ourselves both outwards and inwards? Every nation has its rules and regulations that constitute it so as the Christian nation.

              Christianity being a nation has a leader called JESUS CHRIST, he is our rules and regulations that is, we follow the steps of his life application on earth

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Christianity being a nation has a leader called JESUS CHRIST, he is our rules and regulations that is, we follow the steps of his life application on earth. He is just and righteous and that's what we must pursue. Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth to show us love that wasn't existing by dying on the cross so that we can become one in love but it is out of sorts how we have turned the table upside down by replacing this great love into rag in our waking life.

 Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth to show us love that wasn't existing by dying on the cross so that we can become one in love but it is out of sorts how we have turned the table upside down by replacing this great love into rag in our wakin...

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Fellow believers, we need to wise up. Christianity being as a nation here must consist of wise people otherwise we are hell alive. Our journey on earth must prove to others that the image of our leader is in us through our interactions with others, our attitude, how we talk, etc. Our responsibility as a nation is to know his will and to do it. So the Bible spoke to us in PROVERBS 11:10 that, when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. Meaning, without righteous no prosper, and no prosper no rejoice. This should prompt you of what JESUS CHRIST said in MATTHEW 6:33 that "seek through his kingdom and his righteousness first and the rest shall be given unto you". In short, our nation can't rejoice without righteousness.

It is an undeniable fact that many believers have turned the table upside down of our responsibilities in a way that will favor them

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It is an undeniable fact that many believers have turned the table upside down of our responsibilities in a way that will favor them. So, now you will see men sleeping with other men's wives and vice versa, some ladies adhere to the life application of JEZEBEL rather than JESUS CHRIST. And some men are so determined to break the record set by KING SOLOMON through womanizing. Believers, we should know that, if we are upright, our nation will be exalted but is out of sorts how some other believers are making negative news out of our nation because some of us the believers in Christ has lost the dignity we had in Christ our leader by living to please worldly things and people. Instead of loving one another, we rather adorn ourselves to seduce one another that is, helping others to sin more. You see, we don't have to live to be the cause of sin, but rather, we should live for righteousness. We tempt others with our outward and inward actions just like JEZEBEL. No proper counsel within the Christian nation, no sound and counsel, no wise and prudent people, some just live like the other nations whose activities do not proffer salvation. Christianity today has fallen into ruin and destruction by some people. GALATIANS 5:19-21 is now our leader instead of GALATIANS 5:22. You see, what counts is the building of character and the relationship with Christ. Instead of being united in love, we rather surround ourselves with lustful things. Instead of walking with wise people, we rather surround ourselves with fools. Don't get me wrong by thinking I'm insulting. Even JESUS CHRIST never walked with fools checking his life application. He rather gave salvation words to us. After all, what good advice can a fool proffer to you? You dress like JEZEBEL, do makeup, paint your nails, and tell me you are a true Christian. But sometimes I wonder why people don't paint their teeth. You wear mini long and short, bikini, etc to seduce men of today and say you are a true Christian.

 You wear mini long and short, bikini, etc to seduce men of today and say you are a  true Christian

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Brethren, such activities are not part of our responsibilities as a Christian nation. If you don't make righteousness a lifestyle, don't conclude yourself as being a true Christian. After all, righteous people go to heaven, not Christians. So calling yourself a Christian but disobeying the rules, customs, language in it is just a way of deceiving yourself. So PROVERBS 11:14 says " where no counsel is, the people fall, but the multitude of counselors there is safety". Now, do we seek to fall or to get saved? If our PRESIDENT JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD came to save us, then ask your lifestyle, why am I falling? If we unite and give sound doctrine, a doctrine from our president as a Christian nation, what shows we can fall as a nation, never. But as I said earlier, Christians don't go to heaven but righteous people do. If you said you are a true Christian, then help one another to make a wise nation through righteousness and holiness for JAMES 4:14 STILL EXIST.


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