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Psalm 119:37, 18.
Mathew 6:22, 5:28
Proverbs 6:25, 15:3
Genesis 3:6
Job 31:1

        I will love to start this message with a question, that is, what does your heart accept from your eyes? What do your eyes see both intentionally and unintentionally? Well, let us turn our attention to (Genesis 3:6). Eve did something because of something. She saw the fruit that was pleasing to the eye, lust was in the fruit and her heart accepted what her eyes saw and obeyed his heart by eating it. So I made this quote below

     The fruit was tempting, it was pleasing and again she knew she would gain something in it with what she saw

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     The fruit was tempting, it was pleasing and again she knew she would gain something in it with what she saw. Is like you seeing or watching a woman lustfully because you know in your heart that if you get her it will end up in sex. This also means, what Eve saw brought nothing good but bad to her soul. May the good Lord help you shun your eyes from things like this that do not serve as a source of salvation, things that do not get us closer to Christ.  So David said in Psalm; "Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word".  Have you ever stop to think of what will happen when you see an accident occurring right in front of you?  Probably it will make you feel sad and worried because what your eyes saw didn't bring something good to your heart and soul but grief. That is, you will be touched with sadness. Meaning, your heart brought nothing good but bad. We've been seeing many things in this world, but I want to ask, do all bring peace to our soul. (Psalm 119:37) shows there are certain things we see or look at that do not get us closer to God whether intentionally or unintentionally. EVE allowed her heart to accept what her eyes saw and that brought a fall to mankind because what she saw was not a good one. The combination of eyes set-focused desires and satan deceptive lies had a tragic result. So Jesus Said; " anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". Brethren, you will only commit this adultery if you allow your heart to accept what your eyes are seeing. And to the women, since the Bible says, one does not commit adultery but two, how does my outward appearance looks when I step outside? Is it tempting to the eyes of men? Or is it fit to avoid temptation?. Nowadays, we use our eyes to watch unnecessary, valueless things, balderdash things on our Tv set, social media, and more. We perform unnecessary programs that do not get us closer to God. I don't want to talk much, but  I wish you search for the meaning of the word worthless. In (Mathew 6:22) JESUS SAID; "The eye is the lamp of the body, if your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light".
This message or words from Jesus drew my attention to Psalm 119:37. meaning, if your eyes see worthless things and your heart accept them, your whole body will be valueless, that is darkness. Know that, the good news came because of the bad news. So King David said; " Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law". Meaning, the light is Christ and Christ is the word. So if you see wonderful things according to the word and in the word, your whole body will be light because what your eyes saw in the word brought salvation to your soul and heart, meaning, your heart accepted the wonderful things in your eyes from the word. But it is sad how these worthless and valueless things are killing and not preserving the life of the youth, children of today from doing the right things. This is because we see it as a normal thing but in the heart, we are dead by it. So I love what Job said in chapter 31 verse 1. " I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman". You see, a Godly advise is in Proverbs and I wish you read further. But remember God is watching you. He is more than a CCTV camera. See Proverbs 15:3 and Job 31:4. It is my prayer that the good lord will use Psalm 119:18 to be fulfilled in your life.

Thank you and stay bless.

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