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We understood about VANITY that abuses Christian life nowadays. With this topic, is to turn away from those things (Earthly Things). It is therefore important to know what repentance was originally designed for. Repentance is the activity of reviewing one action and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by a commitment to change for the better. Repent and belief has been the cry of preachers ever since the time of Jesus. However, repentance can seem mysterious and sometimes contradictory to the gospel. Doesn't the gospel say that I don't have anything to do to be saved? Is repentance a work_something we do to be saved? How does it fit into the Christian life?
In the helmet of salvation, repentance is the turning away from sin and self and looking to God for forgiveness and salvation. The old testament uses the word "turn" or "turning" to describe repentance. This isn't something we do, but it is something God works in us. (ACTS 5:31, 11:8).Like faith, it is necessary but given to us, not worked by us; rather God works in us an inward acknowledgment of guilt which causes us to shrink away from our dirtiness before his perfect and holy character. It is true repentance is something God works in us but unless we give ourselves to him, giving ourselves to God is the same way of renewing our mind from filthy things or sin. Repentance is worked in us by the hearing of the word of God, especially by hearing of God's law (ROMANS 3:10-12) that's REPENTANCE AND THE LAW.

Godly repentance doesn't lead to life stricken with guilt and regrets, but instead, it moves us towards the great love of God and his salvation in Christ

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Godly repentance doesn't lead to life stricken with guilt and regrets, but instead, it moves us towards the great love of God and his salvation in Christ. A repentant sinner is ready to receive the grace of God offered in the gift of the gospel (LUKE 24:47, ACTS 20:21). God does not leave us to despair of our wickedness and love so that when we cry out to the Lord in faith, he willingly forgive us and save us (ROMANS 10:13). Repentance is the posture that leads us to pray to the tax collector, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner" (PSALM 51:2,10, 14, LUKE 18:13, 2 CORINTHIANS 7:10). To give a brief example, In (JUDGES 10:6-16, REVELATION 3:19). This is a scripture that shows how God's love is, and merciful and justice God is. The Israelites did many sins before the Lord, they were the descendants of a common ancestor JACOB, whose name was changed to Israel (GENESIS 32:24-32), With all their evil deeds and worshipping of idols, God forgives them their sins. God is a jealous God because he has married us. So anytime we sin, he feels dejected because we have cheated on him that's why the Bible says "We should not worship any other God except him" but here, the Israelites worship different Gods like
1. God of Syria; Bel and Saturn
2. ✔️ ✔️ Moab; Chemosh
3. ✔️ ✔️ Philistine; Dagon.
All these are called God's because their images and places of worship were multiplied throughout the land(1 KING 11:33, 1 SAMUEL 5:2), And base on that, God was angry with them and decided not to forgive them their sins again because it wasn't the first time they did such sins, So God told them to go and cry to their God's. But anytime the Israelite sin, they accept their fault and ask for forgiveness of sins from the lord, this shows, total repentance was not available for the Israelites. So this time around, God didn't forgive them. So I made a quote which goes: "" IF GOD PROTECT EVERY BLOW, YOU WOULD NEVER LEARN TO GROW"".
The Israelite, therefore, did something which God saw they were ready to stop sinning, they were ready to Repent, they were ready to leave the earthly things, they were ready to stop their evil deeds. What at all did they do? In" JUDGES 10:16", the Israelites got rid of the things that make them sin, as like something was tempting them to sin. That thing was the God they were worshipping, the idol in their city, And after they got rid of it, they were forgiven by God. This shows how merciful God is. The Israelites sin several times and God decided not to forgive them again but when they got rid of the obstacles which blocked them from reaching God which make them sin, God forgives them. Let's have some moral lessons here, Even we humans, see how painful it is if someone wrongs us.
Adelphoise, we do sin, but if we don't get rid of the things that make us sin, then our end product will be hell. God loves us, so if we free our ways to him and focus on him only, he will always be with us but without that then I must assure you that we are dead alive.

 God loves us, so if we free our ways to him and focus on him only, he will always be with us but without that then I must assure you that we are dead alive

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Some things block us from reaching God, and that thing is Sin, and sin is in thousands of branches, therefore get rid of them. I may ask what makes you sin, get rid of anything that makes you sin, if a woman wears trousers, do makeups, Bleaching, filthy talks, thinking Lustfully, watching a woman Lustfully, walking Lustfully, all are sin before the Lord and there are many more which I can't mention all, Get rid of all these and you will see the fruits of repentance in our next paragraph. I urge you to get rid of anyone whose displacement in your life is not appreciable between you and Christ Jesus.
(GALATIANS 5:19-21). This quotation is the fruit of repentance. Once given to us, we can exercise our repentance by confessing our sins to the highest and also ask for forgiveness. Repentance bears the fruit of confession. (MATTHEW 3:8, ACTS 26:20). In this way, a repentant sinner hates sin and seeks godliness. A repentant sinner is willing to be reproved and corrected, In proverbs, it says fools hate to be corrected. Is not hasty to judge others, repentance kills pride, the more we learn God's law and standards, the more we come to know we cannot stand before God on anything of our own doing, so we more accurately realize our lowliness and humility. Repentance should be practiced regularly, it must start new every morning, recognizing once again our dependence upon God's mercies. Thanks are to God; God's mercies are new every morning. (LAMENTATIONS 3:22-23, 1 TIMOTHY 4:13).


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