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JAMES 1:15

             Lust, the origin of sin. You see, the Christian walk is a continuous process of character transformation from the old man to the new man, from hell practice to heaven practice. And I believe this topic will help us to know the type of walk a Christian must walk and not just a walk. I prepared this topic just for us to be aware of certain things in our Christian walk and lifestyle. I always say nothing is normal because anything happens for a reason. So you taking everything as normal is the progress product of not going far in life. To go further, there's one thing I want us to put in our mind that, Lust and Sin are not the same but more and more than brothers and sisters, more than twins. Lust and Sin are like siemens twins, dangerously inseparable. These two twins (Lust and Sin ) were living in heaven. Now, Lucifer as we all know was a servant of God of heaven and earth and an angel. Lucifer the morning star, was the most beautiful among the angels and a singer as well in heaven. Now, I want you to sit down and ask yourself, how the morning star turned out to be called the prince of darkness or the chief of fallen angels? In fact, how did Lucifer became an enemy of God of heaven and earth? Well, see (Isaiah 14:12-16) to know a bit of Lucifer now called Satan.

How did Lucifer sinned, what came into Lucifer's mind to have a grudge against his founder? Well, after this message, you will see how and why Lucifer sinned against God of heaven and earth

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How did Lucifer sinned, what came into Lucifer's mind to have a grudge against his founder? Well, after this message, you will see how and why Lucifer sinned against God of heaven and earth. But first, we have to know and understand that something happens to Lucifer that is why he sinned. And also know that the existence of the word SIN came because of something. Well, I will say that thing is called Spirit of LUST and I will prove to you with some scripture so please keep on paying attention to this message. One may ask, what is Lust? I will say, Lust is a spirit that creates sin, whose production is against the production of God of heaven and earth. Lust and Lucifer are like JESUS CHRIST and HOLY SPIRIT. Lust entered Lucifer in heaven and it made Lucifer sinned against God. God indeed created them all but disobedience to God's word will make the Spirit of Lust work in you. So when God was throwing Lucifer down to the earth, Lust was among the angels. So in (Genesis 3:6), Lucifer was the words he gave to Eve was a sin, it was a sin because, lust has ruled him already and he has conceived sin, so sin was flowing through him like a carousel. So the words he gave to Eve were a sin which we called lies. After that, lust entered the fruit that is why the Bible specifically said it was pleasing to the eye. So when Eve obeyed what Lucifer said, the spirit of lust entered her which made her sin. Is like you obeying the teachings of Christ Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit as written in (Proverbs 1:23). Know that, lust can never live without sin, they move together and do everything together. Sin is a word, before you will do sin unless lust has entered you. Is like you watching pornographic materials, what you are watching can't possess you without the spirit of lust. And if you watch it too lust will come to work in you. So the Bible says, flee from those things. If you don't, it will attack you. And you can't do anything if something is not controlling you. You may not know that thing but know that you did not bring yourself to this earth. Believers, I want us to learn that nothing is normal on this earth. There is a spirit behind everything. Don't be confused but see (James 1:15). This scripture is the main reason why I got this topic. It says 'Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. So you see what I was talking about. Lucifer sinned because of the spirit of lust. And lust also entered the fruit and because sin was in Lucifer already, he gave words of sin which is lies to Eve, and through the obedience in action by Eve, Lust possessed Eve which made her sinned. This procedure formulated a word called death. See (Genesis 6:3). It says, 'And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is a flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years'. Mind you, this quotation came into existence because of LUST AND SIN.

Any desire that creates sin shows lust is at work

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Any desire that creates sin shows lust is at work. Brethren, I was t to bring this message to an end. Lust is a very dangerous spirit that every believer must be extra careful of. To give a few scriptures on how lust works. See,
Galatians 5:19-21
I Thessalonians 4:4-5
1 John 2:15-17
Without Proverbs 1:23 you can never overcome James 1:15.
I believe is a short message but I also believe you have learned something from it. And I will be glad if you dig the whole of you into the word of God to download all the necessary arsenals that lead to heaven.
Thank you and stay bless.

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