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Galatians 6:8, 5:19-21
1 John 2:15-17
Matthew 5:13, 6:19, 7:17
Mark 7:7-8
Isaiah 29:13-18
2 Timothy 3:1-5                  

                     It is an undeniable fact that something deep inside us yearns to know where we have come from, where we are going or headed and why we exist. Our purpose in life is to be faithful in carrying out our responsibilities as stewards. Our love and labor should demonstrate that we desire to honor and serve him (God) above all. The Bible says God is spirit and this spirit lives within a child of God in order to help him or her live or act according to God's word. This spirit again prompts us to follow and accomplish God's purpose and to give us direction in life. A spirit-filled believer enjoys expressing our relationship through our walk with him. That is why Apostle Paul literally commands us to walk in Christ. An animated or vital principle to help give life to physical organisms is what and how the Mirriam Webster Dictionary defined spirit. In the same Dictionary, Decay is explained as "to decline in strength, health or vigor. " But I will say less powerful, or in other words, spoilt, corrupt, or rot. Brethren, with the above explanations, it seems we have neglected our spiritual responsibilities as Christians. Nowadays and in this generation, it seems Christianity is decaying, is full of corrupt recreations. Is like our Christian life is with no purpose. We are being soulish. Our life has lost virile and the vitality in our walk with him. God is spirit not soul. See (GENESIS 2:7). Spiritually, many Christians are decaying their spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. Many have shunned the responsibilities of God which must be adhered to, and are following the decrees of the world. We follow the doctrine of our physical church more than the word of God. We live according to our human reasoning.

   You see, being soulish does not permit us to enter into rest except the Holy Spirit

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   You see, being soulish does not permit us to enter into rest except the Holy Spirit. This is because, if you are soulish, you will preserve that which is earthly. Being soulish will make you seek the opinion of others instead of God's word. It makes you lean on your own reasoning and understanding.

I'm saying all these because satan has access to this earthly soul, but if the Holy Spirit lives in you, there's no access of entry for satan

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I'm saying all these because satan has access to this earthly soul, but if the Holy Spirit lives in you, there's no access of entry for satan. Many men have fallen from the grace because, some are led by human opinions, some are filled with human thoughts instead of the word of God. Instead to live in the spirit, we rather live in the flesh. We are gratifying the desires of the flesh. Now, we worship God in fame and fashion and money instead of Spirit and Truth. You see, the introduction of sin is a sign that believers have two natures battling within us, that is, spirit and flesh. Knowingly, our purpose and responsibilities as Christians are to live according to the spirit and truth, according to the decrees of the word of God. But it is sad how we use the flesh to decay, spoil, rot, and break down our spiritual life. GALATIANS 6:8 is telling us that "whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the spirit, from the spirit will reap eternal life". Now, the flesh and the spirit are detailed in GALATIANS 5:19-26, just make a choice, but be aware and know that, your choice shows your destination, that is, destruction and eternal life. Why do you want to use the lifestyle of JEZEBEL to decay the Spirit God gave you. Makeups, eyelashes, bleaching, wigs, painting of nails, etc. Know that, Jezebel did all these things and God's spirit never lived in her, how much more you if you do the same.

We don't have to turn the table upside down but rather we should think wisely

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We don't have to turn the table upside down but rather we should think wisely. You wear mini, bikini short and long and say you have God spirit, please don't deceive yourself. You tattoo your whole body and expect God's spirit to live in you.  Brethren, all these make you less powerful and that's why Satan has access to control you. Christians should walk In the likeness of Jesus Christ and not the world. If the world is changing, Christianity shouldn't change too. We should stop bringing the fashions into the Christian nation or the Christiandom. John who walked with Jesus Christ has given us valid details about this in (1 John 2:15-17). Fellow Christians, how long shall you carry these flesh tools, this flesh desires on your shoulders, how long shall those wigs, that bikini short and long, makeup's keep rolling down and up the beautiful natural stature God gave you. When will you stop sleeping with other men's wives and husbands? Have you ever stopped to think of how you are winning souls for satan with your lifestyle? Have you ever stopped to think of the consequences of these acts? To be more powerful in Christ, shun the above mention. Is time to contact your memory that all these decay the God-given spirit. Jezebel did it, God spirit did not live in her, what shows if you do it God's spirit will live in you. Remember, God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If we are the salt of the world, then we have to keep this saltness by throwing all the flesh arsenals from us and within us away. Is time to stop gratifying the desires of the flesh. Don't allow (2 Timothy 3:1-4) to be fulfilled through you. Fellow believers, let's stop decaying our God-given spirit. This message is just a few things that show we are decaying the spirit God gave us. But they are more and I will do my best to share what I can to you but I urge you to take your Bible and read and study and you will know more. To end here, is never too late to repent, to change since you have life. Hope is meant for the living. Therefore give yourself to Christ Jesus for he is ever ready to transform you from worse to wisdom, from bad to better, and also to take you as a child.

Thank you and God bless you. Peace be unto you now and forever.

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