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       At times we all need a fresh start,a second chance, a new beginning. This times remind us that while past failures may be devastating,they do not have to defeat or define us. When we mess up, we can't go back and undo what was done but we  make a fresh start. As we have all heard the story of Noah's Ark, i will be brief and concise in this lesson. You see, the moment sin was introduced into  human, everything changed from good to bad, that is sin changes things to the extent that it changes God blessings for us to curse and death, so God gave humanity the privelege to have a fresh start, a second chance,a new beginning to get saved from sin and its wickedness at Noah's generation but because of disobedience most people perished excluding Noah and his family and some animals.

I would like to represent NOAH'S ARK as CHRIST to see some few details about it

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I would like to represent NOAH'S ARK as CHRIST to see some few details about it. According to the description of the ARK, It has one door with exit and entrance that is, apart from that door there's no entry and exit. Now in Jesus speech, he said; ""I am the gate, whoever enters through me will be saved""" and no wonder all those in the ARK got saved from judgement at NOAH'S GENERATION. When NOAH used 120years to build the ARK (Genesis 6:3), that period was a privileged for humanity to repent but wickedness and disobedience controlled them and they all got perished. That is the end product of disobedience. Just as God provided the ARK to save Noah and his family, so as God has made provision for us through Jesus Christ so that through him we can get saved by obedience and trust. God revealed to Noah that he will bring flood to destroy every living , breathing creatures including non breathing creatures, whether you are pregnant or not, the word say's i will destroy. So the faith NOAH had in God made him spent his life in building the ARK that is, he was working out his own salvation with fear and trembling. He had faith in God and he Obeyed God and then he put them into action. He gave his mind,heart and life in building the ARK because he knew that,his salvation lies in what he was doing through God commands.

Know that, NOAH didn't saved himself and his family and the other living creatures but is the ARK

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Know that, NOAH didn't saved himself and his family and the other living creatures but is the ARK. The ARK he built saved them from the flood. NOAH did his work of faith and obedience and that resulted as salvation for him and his family. I wish you conclude this yourself that faith
                    The ark was 450feet long,75feet wide and 45feet high with one gate with many rooms inside. There was only one gate because there's is only one way to get saved and that way is through JESUS CHRIST. See (John 14:6). In the ARK,there were many rooms inside and again JESUS said; "" There are many rooms in my father's house and he is going to prepare a place for those who passes through him and through that we will be saved and have a place to rest. Meaning if you don't believe and obey Christ to pass through him you will be perished like what happened at NOAH'S generation. The ARK was built because of fresh start, a new beginning and sin just as Christ came because of sin. JESUS CHRIST came to gave us a new beginning in out waking life. The ARK was meant to save those who obey just like CHRIST. NOAH preached to the people of his generation so that through obedience they can get a new fresh start by entering the ark, that is, to repent and obey, but they turned the table upside down by living their ungodly life.  See (2 Peter 2:5). The lifestyle of JESUS CHRIST shows without repentance you can't be saved and that's what happened at NOAH'S time. NOAH spent 120years in building the ARK which was enough time for humanity to repent but they chose to disobey God and they ended up being perished.  Am writing this message to you for you to know that, NOAH'S generation is happening in our generation but our generation is more and more dangerous than NOAH'S time because no one knows the second coming of Christ including your Pastor. This is the time, i mean now, give your life to Christ with faith, obedience and work out your own salvation anytime you hear or read the word of God because it is through that you can get saved. Brethren, NOAH'S generation is happening today. Don't hardened your heart when you hear words of God. Use NOAH'S generation as an example to live Righteously because no matter what you do JESUS CHRIST will come. NOAH worked with his faith in God through obedience to God and got saved. It is high time for you to start yours now. Repentance, sanctification, holiness and righteousness should be the thing on your scale preference. Let it be your lifestyle and God will never forsake you. May God help you to be an obedient child of God.

Don't forget with your comments,is very important.

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