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I CORINTHIANS 10:23, 6:12.

        Fellow believers, I will start this message with a question. Why do people hate to be in Prison? In fact, what is the meaning of Prison? For me, I think and believe is a place that keeps or restricts people from doing what they want. And for the meaning of a prisoner, Is a person who is coerced of sovereignty against his or her will. A state where you can't do whatever you want. That is, you are being restricted on your way of life, behavior, views, etc. Again, is a state where you can't rule yourself. And this is exactly what Apostle Paul was saying to the people in Ephesus. I understand Apostle Paul because you can't rule yourself if you can't create yourself. That is, you rule what you create. Now God created us, so he has to rule us or control us. The truth of the matter is if we don't accept this principle we will perish. Is it possible for a car to control the owner who bought it or made it, can a pot control the porter? This scenario goes with us human beings too. We can't control God (The one who created us). Again, if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our King and ruler, we will perish. In (Psalms 100:3) says; Know that, the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his, the sheep of his pasture." Brethren, the Bible is telling us, we are not ourselves, meaning, we can't do whatever we want but only his will and his way must prevail in our lifestyle and not our way. Without this, we will perish, because our ways lead to death. Our ways are sins, for no one is holy except Christ.

              "As a prisoner for the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received

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              "As a prisoner for the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. " This is where my message comes from. What call was Apostle Paul talking about? See (Colossians 1:10). "So that you may live a life worthy of the lord and please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of the Lord". Brethren, we don't live to please man or yourself if you really want to be a prisoner for Christ. From the scripture above, it shows you can't grow in Christ if you want to do whatever you want. Being a prisoner for Christ shows your maturity in Christ. The scripture shows maturity in Christ. The calling Apostle Paul was talking about was that, what have you heard from your master (JESUS CHRIST)? What is he telling you? See (Revelation 2:7). If you are addicted to the reading of the Bible, then you will see the calling Apostle Paul was talking about. If you accept to be a prisoner of Christ, you will see the calling Apostle Paul was talking about. If you allow yourself for the word of God to control you, then know that you are a prisoner of Christ and it will be the greatest achievement any man could arrive at. Apostle Paul again to the people in Corinth. " I have the right to do anything, you say but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do anything but everything is constructive". See (1 CORINTHIANS 10:23). Christ is not forcing us but if you force yourself to follow your own ways, then you will perish. This is a fact.

              We must do everything to the glory of God

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              We must do everything to the glory of God. Things that please God and not ourselves or others. Taking Apostle Paul as an example based on this topic; I will say if anyone had the right to do whatever he wants or to have confidence in the flesh, then is Apostle Paul. But he left all his attainments, all his rights to do whatever he wants to be a prisoner of Christ under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You see, if you don't allow Jesus Christ to control you, what story will you tell when you die. Will your life reflect God-honoring priorities? If no, then I encourage you to turn to him. To conclude my lesson, I want you to remember that, "the pot can never control the porter". But it is the porter who controls the pot because the porter created it. Again, let the word of God change you, don't change the word of God with your lifestyle. Lastly, take this quote into the heart. " SELF SACRIFICE TO GOD MUST NOT BE DIVORCED AS A CHRISTIAN".


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