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       As the quote goes, nothing can be received without obedience from God. God gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, such a great love, therefore to believe and have faith in him we must live to obey because there's no faith without obeying. In our natural and human thinking, obedience is the readiness or willingness to yield to the wishes of others. And in our biblical aspect, Obedience is the supreme test of faith in God and reverence for him. One thing you have to know is that Christ himself is it's one great illustration of obedience. He humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, the death of the cross (PHILIPPIANS 2:8).
"ROMANS 1:5"
"1 SAMUEL 15:22"
"ISAIAH 1:19"
1 PETER 1:14"
GENESIS 22:18".
I wonder because JOB wouldn't have been called a Righteous person by God if he wasn't obeying God's command. Acting on the word of God is a way of obeying it. Maybe you've always associated obedience with oppression. You've thought that obedience means loss of freedom and fun. That's the devil's lie. Obedience from the heart to our gracious God results in great joy. As the apostle, John put it, "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome" (1 JOHN 5:3).
In (MATHEW 7:21)__It teaches us to examine our motives carefully. Who are we serving? What do we treasure?
There are many people out there who seem to serve the Lord but are serving ulterior motives. Perhaps it gains them money or fills some kind of void within their lives. Those people, Jesus says, might seem to serve him, but are not: it is those people Jesus will tell to depart because he never knows them. Let us search our hearts carefully regarding this one! Who are we serving?
      Brethren, one of the hardest things of the Christian life is obedience and is because of the love of earthly desire and trials that comes our way. By nature, most of us like to rebel; we don't want to be told what to do, because we always know what is best. Besides, why should anyone else other than me dictate what I should do or should not be doing? And, even if you sincerely do what to be obedient, you still find yourself struggling in succeeding at it. To help with obedience, let us look at some Bible lessons on obedience. Of course, there are many of them, so do some digging for yourself too!
(1 SAMUEL 15:22)__The context in this passage deals with the soul's inability to follow the lord's commands. Although made king, Saul was supposed to destroy everything in the lands he conquered. However, he decided to take matters into his own hands, instead of destroying the cattle of the hand, he had the brilliant idea of sacrificing them for God. but, was it really for God? Obviously not! In doing this, he deliberately rebelled against what God told him to do.
Adelphoise, let obedience be the word in your lives. Now let's take the almighty king as an example first. Jesus always did the father's will, even when it was painful, like when he expressed in the Garden of Gethsemane the desire to have this cup pass from him, but Jesus Said :(LUKE 22:42), Because Jesus knew that: (JOHN 8:29). In fact, Jesus said;(JOHN 4:24) and (MARK 10:45), The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi (PHILIPPIANS 2:5-7), and so Jesus (PHILIPPIANS 2:8). Who could be any more humble than Jesus who washed his disciple's feet, including that of his betrayer, Judas? This shows how great God's love is. In (DEUTERONOMY 5:16), Although it may be hard to understand this commandment and the blessings that result from obeying it, the story of ISAAC makes it clear. After many years of being unable to bear children, God blessed an aging Abraham Sarah with a son, ISAAC. As he grew, Abraham taught him the importance of keeping God's spiritual laws. One day, when Isaac was a young man, God decided to test Abraham. He commanded, 'Take now your son, your only son ISAAC, whom you love, and get you into the land of MORIAH; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell you of (GENESIS 22:2). Abraham was stunned! for years, God had told him that he would produce a great nation through his only son ISAAC, Yet God has just commanded Abraham to sacrifice ISAAC, This is a very difficult issue but you see, you can't challenge God. So the Bible reveals that Abraham was a faithful servant of God. He believed in God in every area of life and understood that he should never disobey him even at the request of the sacrifice of his son ISAAC.
When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham did not argue, but "Rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and ISAAC his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose, and went unto to the place of which God had told him (GENESIS 22:3). For 3days, they traveled over difficult terrain, it must have been hard for Abraham to answer the questions of those traveling with him who were unaware of the purpose of the journey. Yet ISAAC did not fight his father. He followed along, with complete trust in him. Abraham and his son ISAAC had an extraordinary relationship.
Then on the 3rd day, Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, abide you here with a donkey: and I and the lad will you another day's ride and worship, and come again to you "(GENESIS 22:4-5). After leaving his servants, Abraham continued alone with ISAAC until they reached the mountain ⛰.
Abraham built an alter..... Bound ISAAC his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son. In his obedience, Abraham would surely have killed his son, but "the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said: **Abraham, lay not your hand upon the lad, neither do anything unto him(ISAAC): for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son from me (GENESIS 22:9-12). Reading the passage, we could easily assume ISAAC, was a small boy. After all, he did not put up so much as an argument in the face of death - - WHY? As a strong young man, ISAAC could have easily resisted his father. But he did not, teaching us an important lesson. Consider the following about ISAAC ATTITUDE: "Now Isaac was of such a generous disposition as became the son of such a father..... That he said, that he was not worthy to be born at first, if he should reject the determination of God and his father, and should not resign himself up readily to both their pleasures: Since it would have been unjust if he had not obeyed, even if his father alone had so resolved. So he went immediately to the altar to be sacrificed. No wonder God promised Abraham that his son ISAAC 'should live to a very great age. ISAAC sought to obey God and his earthly father, and as a result, was blessed with long life and prosperity. Now, what can we learn from this historic event of Isaac?
        1st. Obedience, Abraham had complete faith in God, believing that ISAAC was the only son of promise through whom would come many nations. Abraham obeyed God, knowing he could not lie and would keep his promise (GENESIS 17:19). Likewise, ISAAC, raised by a righteous man, had faith in both his earthly father and his heavenly father. Abraham must have explained to ISAAC that he was the son of promise. Thus, he would have had the kind of faith required to submit to his father.
       2nd. Here is the main point __ISAAC strove to always respect and obey his parents. As a direct result of the faith and obedience evidenced in Abraham's family, we enjoy the blessings promised by God long ago. The Apostle Paul reminds us in (GALATIANS 4:28). Adelphoise, you can be sure that if you obey God and your parents positively today, he will bless you with long life, and offer you the same promises that he does your parents. Let obedience be your daily meal every day and with that, you will always be blessed by your heavenly father. God loves you so be obedient because is through obedience you can be called a Righteous person. You can dig research on JOB's story, he showed obedience and faith and trust and belief in Christ and he was called a Righteous person at his time. Now ask yourself, what name are they calling you in the street, home, workplaces. My brother, a good name is better than a bad name. Job name turns to be Righteous Job, what of you, be serious in your Christian life.
I will be happy if you are called Righteous Fred, Righteous Julius, Righteous Jackline, Righteous Hilda, Righteous Alfred. Call yourself by that, add Righteous to your name live by it. Amen And God bless you.

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