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Acts 14:22.                    1 Peter 3:14-15
Romans 5:3-5.              Psalm 27:14
James 1:2-4.                  Psalm 139:23-24

                   Fellow believers in Christ, as I've always been saying, the Christian walk is a continuous process of character transformation from bad to better, old to new. Have you ever stopped to consider certain things in your waking life? As a matter of fact the Christian life or walk when properly checked or understood it is neither complex nor difficult. As workers of God, we must all purpose in our hearts and prepare to face a time of rejoicing and rejection. I mean, a time of trials, tribulations, difficulties, frustrations, etc. Handling these staffs with holiness is one of the greatest achievements any man could arrive which indeed shows life has been transformed from bad to better and it all sums up to the glory of God. It is an undeniable fact that sometimes we normally communicate with God to use us for his glory which is not bad but the question is ARE WE PREPARED? You see, sometimes God using you for his glory does necessarily mean that you have to perform only miracles but rather adversities are also part.

When you checked some of the lifestyles of some men God of in the Old Proof with the likes of JEREMIAH, ISAIAH, DAVID, etc you could see adversities were part of their lifestyle example JOB. Know that adversities will try to find us one way or another but what I want to tell you is that, with Christ being your hope, you need to walk tall and keep your head high as we face this generation. JESUS CHRIST is the hope of our life amid hardships, trials, tribulations, etc. You see, having joy, peace, love, and salvation in the midst of hardships shows JESUS CHRIST is better since he is our hope and comforter. JESUS CHRIST was the major example, he went through hardships, trials, insults, and more but he handled them with holiness for the Glory of God and this is what I want we believers to adhere to. You see, pains are not without a purpose. In (ACTS 14:22), Apostle Paul was encouraging the disciples of Christ to remain in truth to the faith they had in Christ because he knew if the heart is not disciplined their understanding with Christ will be of little avail. So it was necessary for Apostle Paul to tell them to have the understanding that, in times of hardships they must have a righteous practice that is handling hardship with holiness cos in that way they can enter the kingdom of God for his glory. This is because Apostle Paul knew true faith produces obedience. Sometimes I ask myself, HOW CAN I BE HUMBLE IF OTHER DON'T INSULT ME AND NOT ONLY INSULT? You see when you check (ACTS 14:19), you could see Apostle Paul was a real example of his message to the disciples at that time. Apostle Paul did not fight or argue with them including an insult but rather he handled the situation with righteous practice, with holiness, with gentleness, and respect of course. Know that, how you handle hardships, trials, problems, insults, frustrations sometimes shows the real you. And when you find that real you though through Faith and hope in Christ you can handle it with holiness because of the spirit of God.

             Brethren, all these are meant for his Glory if you handle it with holiness. In a quote, I will say, ""Sometimes adversities reveals our weakness in our Christian walk."" With or without Christ, adversities will find you but always remember one leads to salvation if handled it with HOLINESS and HUMBLENESS, and the other leads to eternal death if handled with Arrogance. see (1 PETER 3:14-15). Peter was telling us that we should handle hardships with holiness and gentleness and not complaints and fear. Is our responsibility as true believers to do the right thing in times of hardships and trials. In (ROMANS 5:3-5), Apostle Paul was teaching us something and I wish you study it. Well, brethren, to conclude my lesson, I would like to tell you that, if we say we have faith and hope in Christ and that his glory should be fulfilled, then we must expect adversities because I believe if we don't pass through these adversities we can never be the righteousness of God. Handle hardships with holiness to glorify his name. Again,in the midst of hardship, have traffic in you. Believers should believe Christ lives in them and that they should adhere to Christ's pattern of life. Thank you and God bless you.

Read further; (PSALM 27:14,31:24)
                          (PSALM 139:23-24)
                           (JAMES 1:2-4).

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