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          (EPHESIANS 6:14-17)

                 I recalled what I was taught at the Senior level immediately I came across this scripture

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                 I recalled what I was taught at the Senior level immediately I came across this scripture. In school, the teacher taught us something in Economics called SCALE OF PREFERENCE and explained it to us 'the arrangement of wants in order of importance, meaning you list the items you are going to buy with the important ones coming first and this does not necessarily mean that those items at the bottom of your list are not important but rather you listed them in order of the ones you need most. For example, you can't buy foodstuffs first if you don't have cooking utensils, you can't buy school bugs first if you don't have a school uniform. So when I studied this scripture, I realized that it has been arranged in order of importance meaning you cannot have the last one without having the first one. For example, you can't have faith if you don't have something to believe in. Well, this is just an insight into what I want to share with you today, I want you to understand the purpose of this message so that you will know your stand in life. Base on the topic, when we hear the word ARMOR, We normally think of soldiers, that's the things they put on their body when going to war for protection and in Police, we normally have the bulletproof which is also for protection. Now the ARMOR OF GOD is not a  physical dress to put on them but above the physical dress.
TO begin with, our discussion, let's continue here to see what God has provided to us to effectively fight this enemy using his ARMOR.
           In (Ephesians 6:14-17), it clearly shows and can be seen that nothing is missing from this ARMOR OF GOD, and every part of this ARMOR bears its significance which is very important to wear as a Christian. The 1st instruction concerning the ARMOR OF GOD is to gird your waist with TRUTH. Truth is talking about Christ Jesus. When Jesus came he said, he is the truth and there's no doubt about that, the Bible says, gird your waist with truth. Meaning, putting the truth on your waist is to keep the body fastened for the fight. This truth is the same as the word of God as said in (John 17:17). Brethren, this waist is not a physical waist but the Bible is telling us to gird our minds with the truth, the word of God which is the same as Jesus Christ. (1 PETER 1:13).

           The 2nd ARMOR is the breast of the plate of righteousness

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           The 2nd ARMOR is the breast of the plate of righteousness. When we come to our physical dressing of a soldier, the breastplate is to protect the breast and especially the heart, but as a Christian who worships God spiritually and in truth, our objective assigned to us here is to prepare our minds with the truth and to put deeply in our minds that we are righteous before God now and forever and through that our heart will be guarded and also to overcome the enemy, this is because the more you live righteously, the greater you overcome your obstacles (enemies). Understand also that, there wouldn't be righteousness without truth and Jesus is the truth, that's why he came from heaven to earth, to show us the way of righteous living and to teach us how to live righteously for us to be holy. Now you have the truth, the truth is teaching you to live righteously so that you will live with forever to overcome the enemy because the truth you are mingling with is greater than your enemy.

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