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                        Is very dangerous how humans especially the youth are doing the will of the devil than the will of JESUS CHRIST. With These short teachings, It will teach and help us on how to avoid SEX SNARE, Know That Sex Snare Is Very Spiritual. It (MATHEW 5:27-28) Jesus Said When You Look At A Woman Lustfully You Have Commit Adultery, Let's Ask Ourselves In (LAMENTATION 3:51). This Shows How The Women, Ladies, Girls Dress Indecent. This Indecent Dress Is Catching The Eyes Of The Men, Guys, And Boys.
Is true obedience is very hard to follow but there are some issues or problems that can worsen it not to be obedient. But there's a way out by God's grace. The word SEX SNARE is all about LUST. I love this man of God EVANGELIST AKWASI AWUAH who always says, "when you marry, it doesn't mean that you are done with lust". Lust is in different ways, soo many ways. I read a book and it was about a girl who was the finest in the church, her consecration, and Christian testimony was tremendous. So one day after the Sunday sermon, the girl went to the pastor for a little Counselling about her problem. She was sobbing within that moment. She told the pastor, she's confused and is about losing her mind because her pastor, parents, and church friends think she's a fantastic Christian, but the truth is she lived a double life. She was messed up morally with some boys at school and home and she felt it time for her to die. With tears streaming down her face, she told the pastor all these messed-up sins but she asks the pastor a question. She said: "if I love God and the Bible, then why do I fight with such tremendous problems with sex.? She felt trapped and didn't know how to escape. So she asked the pastor again: "is there any hope for me.? With this short story lets take something important here, The girl said, she loves God and Bible, but let me point out some important thing here, Adelphoise, loving God and the Bible doesn't mean that you are a Christian but putting in some actions where that action means by obeying his word will make your love for him right. We can all say from our mouths that we love God but let us ask ourselves, what shows we love God. With this, I want to edge everybody including the deaf, the dumb, and the blind that keep your fire in your belly burning till you become one in a million. With faith, let us answer our girl in the story that, yes there's hope for her. Thousands of people sincerely want to live a right and pleasing life for God but are fighting this same battle. They too have also fallen into what I call "sex trap". They are caught up in a continuous struggle between sexual excitement and sensual pleasure. They feel trapped between their desire for moral and spiritual purity and the physical appetites of the body. Adelphoise, one thing we have to know is God is spirit and Satan is also spirit but Satan always worries us when we are on the right path with God but helps us when we live in sin.
As powerful as the sex trap seems to be, there's a way out for you. You were created as the image of God, know that you are unique and you have the power to be free.
1. You have to come to a clear understanding of yourself and how you are made. You must understand the drives and desires God put within you and why he put them there. And you must be aware that, the enemy tries to turn these normal, healthy drives into something dirty and destructive. In (PROVERBS 7), the wise man, Solomon writes a description of the sex trap in operation. Is about a man and a woman and their physical desires for sexual gratification. Is a story of seduction, sin, and shame. In this case, a prostitute lures a young man to her bedroom for a night of pleasure. But Solomon tells us that, the boy walked into a trap. (PROVERBS 7:27 "Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of death".)
2. There's an attraction - a pull between men and women, physical and emotional attraction. It was put there by God, it started in the GARDEN of EDEN. why do you suppose God place ADAM and EVE there instead of GODFRED and JULIUS or JACKLINE and HILDA? Because God knows it was good for a man and a woman to dwell together. But nowadays, men are sleeping with men(GAY) and women are sleeping with women(LESBIAN) and this calamity seems normal in the eyes of some human beings all because they're being blinded by the prince of the world and see it as normal, so I made this quote :
"Don't Expect To Be Normal If You See Abnormal Things As Normal"

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