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ISAIAH 32:1-8,7:14
MATHEW 1:8-25.

              Fellow believers in Christ, there is something deeper in us that yearns to know where we have come from,where we are headed and why we exist. Nothing happens without a reason. There is no movement without a purpose, we all have different activities and different purposes. In brief,i want to us purchase this understanding that anything happens for a reason but the question we must also ask ourselves is, how do we react with anything that happens? Well i am here to brief you the little understanding i have in this topic that, For a king to Arrive in a particular way or place, then there must be a purpose or a reason. You see,when the king came to this earth,he knew he was dealing with a complex problem,a problem which can't be solved by his citizens or candidates. When he looked at our situation,he thought of the best to lengthen our lives. He planned the best way to save us from the things to which we were bound legally. He came for a purpose, he didn't came just merely but to fulfilled his task,his manifesto. A king always protect his people from any external attack. His coming into this world fulfilled more prophecies. He is the Hope because his purpose into this world is greater than any king in this world. He is different among the Kings that is why he is the King of Kings.

          Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of his throne

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          Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of his throne. A great king with no competitor. ISAIAH the prophet talked about him that, he will arrive with righteousness and will rule with Justice. You see, the existence of judgement and curse was caused by human disobedience, that is sin exchange God's blessings for judgement and curse. This made me got the belief that the King came because of our mess. We were too messy to the extend that we lost our way. He came with two words which was founded by him that was, righteousness and Justice. He came with this two words because of our situation on earth,our condition,our lifestyle and etc. Why? because through our disobedience to God we missed God standard of righteousness and Justice that was why God sent this King to us so that through him we can become the Righteousness of God. The king is the vaccine for our poison of disobedience. (ISAIAH 32:1-8) shows the king is our one and only hope for witnessing the lost humanity.

       Before the birth of the King,a nation called Asiria tried to shower fear into the heart of the Juda but ISAIAH the prophet saw that their scaring was not from their strength but of their sins and disobedience against God

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       Before the birth of the King,a nation called Asiria tried to shower fear into the heart of the Juda but ISAIAH the prophet saw that their scaring was not from their strength but of their sins and disobedience against God. Therefore,he didn't hide what God revealed to him but told the elders of of Juda and the people of Juda to live a righteous life and be justice. He told them if they don't obey God, they will be destroyed. He also prophesied to them that,a true King will come and peace shall be on earth. So in (ISAIAH 32:1-8) he said; "A king will reign in righteousness and ruler's will rule with Justice" .And the verse 4 and 5 says " the fearful heart will now know and understand, that is those who have not consider what they have heard or read and have hastly received everything that has been suggested to them will now sit down and consider things to gain understanding and spiritual knowledge. Again, the stammering tongue will be clear and fluent with no breakage. This is because the king is coming to right every wrong,to straighten every crooked way. The vile person shall no longer be more liberal,nor the churl said to be bountiful because Righteousness and Justice will arrive and arise.

       This King am talking about arrived in (MATHEW 1:18-25) and before his arrival, Prophet ISAIAH prophesied truthfully about his arrival in (ISAIAH 7:14)

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       This King am talking about arrived in (MATHEW 1:18-25) and before his arrival, Prophet ISAIAH prophesied truthfully about his arrival in (ISAIAH 7:14). Fellow Believers, JESUS CHRIST is our KING. His coming was to rule and reign in righteousness and Justice because that was his manifesto. He came in a best form for the world worst, meaning, he is the best. Now ,when you see the lifestyle of JESUS CHRIST our king in the Gospels ( Mathew,Mark,Luke and John), you could see many peoples life has been transformed from bad to best because he came in the best form to kill and burry our worst form. Even today, life transformation from bad to best is still happening. Sometimes you need to sit down and ask yourself, HOW CAN A KING DIE IN MY PRESENCE? If it is not love then what else. His arrival was to save us, therefore we shouldn't despise his grace. He came to change you from your mess to tidied, yours is to accept, believe,obey it and get changed, because if you don't,you will be destroyed just as ISAIAH said because he is Justice. This is a great privelege fellow believers. We can never change if we don't obey.   Brethren, hell is real, he came because he don't want to see us in hell. To end here,i want you to understand that, the king arrived to conquer the power of sin and death through his sacrificial death on the cross and victorious resurrection.  And that if we trust in him and obey him we can experience true freedom,new life and a restored relationship with him. Therefore,do your best for the king to do the rest and your life will be transformed from bad to best because the rest the best will do will kill the worst you did.
             THANK YOU for reading and God bless you but don't forget to live a comment.

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