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             What comes to our mind when we hear the word BAPTISM. Since everyone has his mind, many definitions for BAPTISM has taken place and when we check the Merriam Webster Dictionary, it is stated that "Baptism is a Christian ceremony in which a small amount of water is placed on a person's head or in which a person's body is briefly placed underwater." In this definition, you could see it has given two definitions at the same time but the question is, which of them is the right one that mankind should practice? The definition also shows mankind is performing or practicing both the two definitions but as I asked, which of them is the right one to practice? As Christians, our manual is the Bible, not a dictionary so let's check the Biblical meaning of BAPTISM in the Bible. It says "It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life and the resurrection to walk in the newness of life in CHRIST JESUS". To get evidence of this Biblical definition, check JOHN 3:3-4 AND MATHEW 3:13-17.
We have three types of BAPTISM but am tackling WATER BAPTISM, FOR NOW, The rest will be posted soon. I want to ask when you compare the two definitions the Biblical and The dictionary which one will you choose as a Christian. Now let us go into details, Many Pastors and Churches are performing the sprinkling of water and baptizing in a pool, which is wrong, following the steps of Christ does not include this, Jesus never baptized in the pool nor his disciples. This is not about Education, is about the truth which is the Bible and Jesus himself. In Ghana, many churches are baptizing in pools, lakes, and a sprinkling of water example, some Presbyterian churches, Pentecost churches, Assemblies, and more, and not only in Ghana but every part of the world are performing this wrong method of baptism. Not that am judging them is just that they are not doing the right thing. Being a Pastor does not mean you can take decisions in God's work, No! But remember you are under him so you do what he says. In the sight of God, he does not share decisions with men but tells you what to do, you can't tell him this will be better or this may be a good idea, No! You can't decide for him. Let's look at (MATHEW 3:13-17). Since we are Christians and we follow the steps of Christ, I want to ask, was river Jordan a pool? Was Jesus baptized by the sprinkling of water on his head? When you read verse number "16", you could see Jesus went out of the water meaning he was inside the running water because river Jordan is not stable water, is not a pool, and not about the sprinkling of water, you can search it yourself. A true water Baptism automatically changes one's lifestyle. Check the "16" again after he came out of the water, you could see heaven open and he saw the holy spirit descending on him like a 🕊 dove. The reason many people don't feel the holy spirit is because of the wrong method of baptism.
I want to ask, why are many Pastors and churches baptizing in pools, lakes, and sprinkling of water on one's head where this scripture is still in their Bible? Is that the decision of God?. If Jesus Christ himself was baptized in a running water, why then are the followers nowadays changing this method of BAPTISM? This shows disobedience. Why didn't Jesus tell John to fetch some of the water to sprinkled it on him if that was the right method of Baptism? There were many lakes at Jesus' time, why didn't he baptized in that lake if that was the right method of Baptism? Adelphoise, we need to understand the meaning of WALKING IN CHRIST, FOLLOWING THE STEPS OF CHRIST. When you study (JOHN 4:1), You could see Jesus Christ baptized his disciples and after that he allow them to also baptized others. People are changing the method of Christ to their own just for fame, selfish interest and some Pastors even think education is part of Christianity. Fellow Christians, changing this method of Baptism is demonic. Many Pastors think you can't teach them, the big names on them are influencing them like Arch Bishop, Rev, Doctor, but a man named Nicodemus has a big name and was part of the Jewish ruling council but Jesus teach him, he humbled himself for Jesus to teach him. Don't think of your age or your position, humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up. This Nicodemus story is in (ACTS 8:26-40). The verse "36" shows water Baptism is not about pool, lake, or sprinkling of water but a running water. In Verse "38" it shows they entered into the water, the word is "INTO". There's no evidence or proof that water baptism can be of sprinkling of water or in a lake or pool. The Pastors are not your salvation but the word which is Christ Jesus is your salvation. The Bible is available everywhere, get some and study and you will know the truth yourself. (1 TIMOTHY 4:13).

There's no other method of water baptism except the one IN RUNNING Water, the word there is "IN RUNNING", Be wise and don't be deceived

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There's no other method of water baptism except the one IN RUNNING Water, the word there is "IN RUNNING", Be wise and don't be deceived.

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