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        To begin with, the Bible is a book but is not just a book, (Ephesians 6:17). Is a collection of sacred scriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a product of divine inspiration and a record of the relationship between God and humans. The Bible is the inspired word of God and relates to how God our creator expresses his undying love for his creation of mankind. The Bible presents salvation history; how God reveals himself and his plan for the redemption of fallen mankind. His divine plans begin with the creation of the world, the second coming of the lord. Promise and prophesy found in Hebrews scripture, our old testament finds fulfillment in the new testament: God giving his only son Jesus Christ to save humanity and sending the holy spirit to guide us. The Bible provides directions for a happy life on earth, giving prophecy on the end time and also helping us to reach heaven's afterlife. The Bible correct, teach and advise us in our life and also stand for God breathe. There are 66 books in the Bible, 39 for Old Testament and 27 for New Testament. To know this easily, let us do some mathematics here; For the Old Testament, there are 3 letter words in 'OLD' and 9 in 'TESTAMENT', now combine them and you'll get 39. For the New Testament, there are 3 letter words in NEW and 9 in TESTAMENT, now, multiply 3 by 9 and you'll get 27. Just easy to capture.

Adelphoise, understanding the Bible can be difficult, but God wants us to comprehend and apply his word so we can grow in our relationship with him

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Adelphoise, understanding the Bible can be difficult, but God wants us to comprehend and apply his word so we can grow in our relationship with him. We mentioned God, and the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in the passage above, obviously we call them the TRINITY, But we have to understand that, they can combine themselves to become one. Well, if is not clear for you, how do you understand what Jesus said in (JOHN 10:30). In (REVELATION 4:5), it speaks of the seven(7) spirits of God, which means God's spirit is not only one but 7, and every seven stand for perfection. To go further, in (JOHN 10:30), Jesus said, "I and my father are one", now, the father is God and the son is Jesus Christ, so will you agree with me if I say Jesus is the same as the holy spirit. Well, let us look at (LUKE 1:35) Jesus was born through the holy spirit and the holy spirit is from the father in heaven and Jesus said "I and my father are one". So just imagine how great the most high is. I often say Jesus Christ is the Bible. Why? Because, if the trinity can become one, then what Evangelist Akwasi Awuah said is perfectly right and true that Jesus Christ is the word of God and we all know the word of God is the Bible and the Bible is also the holy spirit, because, the holy spirit can never operate in you without the word of God. That's, you can't change choose one and leave one. We can understand it further in (EPHESIANS 6:17), It describes the Bible which is the word of God. This scripture shows how powerful the Bible is. Adelphoise, the Bible is not just a book as I said earlier but the road to salvation, the road to heaven, and the road to eternal life.
There's no salvation without the word of God,
There's no Righteousness without the word of God,
There's no forgiveness without the word of God,
There's no repentance without the word of God,
There's no wisdom without the word of God,
There's no justice without the word of God.

It is because of sin that's why the Bible exists

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It is because of sin that's why the Bible exists. The Bible goes against sin. So when the word appeared from Adam's time, that was when the Bible started existing. In (1 JOHN 1:1 downwards). In verse 2, it says, the life appeared, not knowing Jesus has said it earlier that, I am the life, the truth, and the way. And John was saying that the life appeared, they touched him, they saw him, and testified to him, and they proclaimed to us, as the eternal life and we now know that Jesus is the eternal life based on what he said: "I am the life". And John went on further to say, the eternal life was with the father and has appeared to us. Since the eternal life is Jesus and since Jesus was born through the Holy Spirit, then this clearly shows that (JOHN 10:30) is perfectly true, and also said: "I am the truth". So if Jesus is the word of God, then the truth is the Bible. So let's ask ourselves if God doesn't exist, how will you be, if the Bible doesn't exist, how will you live on earth. Because the Bible is the same as the trinity, that's the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And the son said, "I am the life, the truth, and the way". The truth can only be found in the Bible, and without the truth, how will you stand. If Christ is the way, then let's ask ourselves, a way to where? A way to heaven of course, because Christ was from the father, and the father is in heaven. So no wonder Jesus said: "Am doing the work of the one who sent me" that one is God the father. So Adelphoise, with this little discussion, I want to urge those who don't have the Bible to find one or purchase some because it is a sword, a salvation helmet, it is eternal life, the only way to heaven. And those having the Bible, don't waste your time reading unnecessary things but try to fulfill what (1 TIMOTHY 4:13) said so that you can know how to work on your salvation through Christ Jesus. (PHILIPPIANS 4:12).
And remember, there's no communication to God without the word of God. Because God listens to those who have a Repented mind and are living Righteously, in that way, God feels you are obeying him and there is no obedience without the word of God. God loves us, so let's focus on him only and have in mind that being serious and focusing on the Bible is the same way as WALKING IN CHRIST but not without actions, rather prove your obedience by actions. In (ACTS 11:25-26) we got a word called Christians founded by the disciples of Christ. And if this disciple was proclaiming about Christ, then Christianity is a nation, and if Christianity is all about the trinity or the word of God, then Christianity is the Bible. Adelphoise, I want to end here by saying, the end product of living on earth without the word is hell. So let's focus and pay attention to the word of God so that the word can enter us because that's the only salvation option for you.

Thank you for reading and is my prayer that from now on, you'll get close to the word of God for the word to be in you, may the good lord help you do so

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Thank you for reading and is my prayer that from now on, you'll get close to the word of God for the word to be in you, may the good lord help you do so. Amen!

You can study further:
2 Timothy 3:16-17.

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