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          Is another blessed day, a very good moment for us(Christians) to continue sharing the word of God. Let's all come to one understanding that, the word of God is also a means by learning and knowing what God wants from us or what God wants us to do if only we are prepared to follow him, and since every true Christian are always prepared for him, let's talk something about 'TIME'. Because is also a way of walking in Christ and is very helpful for salvation's sake. Now, how do we explain or understand by this word TIME, from Mirriam Webster dictionary, I saw time in two different ways, the first was "A particular minute or hour shown by a clock".But I will like us to take the second definition for our discussion which goes "A point or period when something occurs or is occurring". The synonym for this is moment or occasion, but please forgive me if am teaching English here because this is not the time to teach English, but let us continue; The second definition for time says moment or occasion, now I want us to read a short story I read where a young man went to an MP to discuss to him about his goal in life.

YOUNG MAN: "Mr, I would appreciate giving me a few minutes in which I might lay before you my plans for the future

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YOUNG MAN: "Mr, I would appreciate giving me a few minutes in which I might lay before you my plans for the future. I would like to study law."

MP: Alright, what then?

YOUNG MAN: I would like to gain entrance to parliament.

MP: Alright, what then?

YOUNG MAN: I would like to do great things in this country.

MP: Alright, what then?

YOUNG MAN: Then sir, I hope to retire and take life easy.

MP: Alright, what then?

YOUNG MAN: I suppose I will die?

MP: Alright, what then?

YOUNG MAN: Then the young man hesitated and then said "I never thought any further than this, Sir.

MP: Young Man, you are a 'fool', go home and think life through!

Now, check the answers by the MP and check all that the young man was saying, you could see that, the young man prepared his time on earthly things which Ecclesiastes always describe as vanity upon vanity are all vanity, from the MP answers, you could see he was waiting for some wise and wisdom saying from the young man but he found nothing and he described him as Fool, which is true. You see wisdom is God, Knowledge is God, Wise Saying Is God, without this, describe yourself.

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