Happy 5,000

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Sorry for the delay but this Sunday February 7th, 2021 will be the one year anniversary since our what if, Kakashi X Mina's story first came out. In one year's time, we got trending on social media platforms a few times, a fan club on DeviantArt, over 5,000 almost 6,000 reads and over 100 votes on this book alone. As some of you may already know, I'm expanding this book into a trilogy of sorts. Kakashi X Mina will cover Part One, Naruto Shippuden: Kakashi X Mina will cover well Shippuden. And A Boruto Book will cover the New Era. However, I decided to rebrand an old book of mine called Boruto Dark Past as an interlude between Shippuden and Boruto. When we cover Boruto I'm going off the manga straight from the movie recap/ Momoshiki arc onwards; so Boruto Dark Past will cover some of the added OC characters so they don't take the spotlight over the canonical ones, as well as cover potential plot points for other villains. If you wish to read up on an early version of what I have in mind I suggest you read over Boruto Gaiden and start after the transition chapter in the table of contents. It was originally written as a parody series while highlighting Boruto's bratty attitude in an admittedly crude light. Boruto Gaiden was originally written around the time the Gaiden arc of the Anime was being adapted but in spite of the constant filler its bashed for, the Shin Uchiha arc kept the focus on the novel's plot points and kept Sarada the protagonist of the arc. 

However, I wondered about Shin Uchiha being more than an inserted Itachi fanboy, that there was someone using Itachi's likeness or as a persona to exploit and reap from the criminal underworld. With the subplot of Kakashi X Mina getting together being resolved for the most part, with this idea in mind I wanted to cover this initial theory in mind. As in Canon, Karin was arguably a bigger fangirl of Sasuke than Sakura and was by his side unconditionally until Sasuke betrayed her when Danzo tried to use her as a human shield. Sasuke was too disillusioned by the "darkness" and madness from achieving the Mangekeyo & Susanno combined with the truth about Itachi to relish what was going on around him. However, Sasuke was a teenager amid the feudal/ shinobi era at the same time. What if Sasuke indulged Karin's service, what if the sins of the father were visited by the son?!!! Mina's canonization has altered the timeline in some crucial ways but some things have ultimately stayed the same; but not everything is as they seem. 

Last time on YouTube, I covered the entire Zabuza Arc of this series in one video, alas the audio quality wasn't the best in post and it ran for 45 minutes. I will provide a recap before going into the "new" content and to celebrate the one year anniversary I will have covered up to the Konoha crush on my YouTube channel by Sunday; though it may not be up to chapter 15 which is the arcs conclusion.  The Q&As are considered meta or 4th wall breaking because it allows me to engage with the readers as the story unfolds so they won't be voiced over on YouTube because they would detract from the story. So please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell so you don't miss when I upload. 2020 was a crazy year and I had a lot of personal drama to deal with towards the end but I recovered and can't wait to continue the story you all have come to love. 

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