Chapter 25 Sasuke Versus The Sound Four A Dark Soul's Temptation

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The fight begins but in his weakened state Sasuke is no match. He holds his own but the Sound Four are just too powerful. However, instead of finishing him off they deliver Orochimaru's invitation and retreat. Sasuke was furious no matter what he does he just can't get a foothold on anything. It's almost as if he had gone soft. This was his path to power but power came at a price. Sasuke still heavily conflicted paces around the village stealthily reflecting on everything he's been through before making his decision.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Hinata takes Sakura with them to Ichiraku Ramen to cheer her up and reconcile so they can clear the air with Sasuke. Teuchi teases Naruto thinking he's with a date causes Naruto to get flustered. However, Hinata uses her Byakugan to glare at both Naruto and the old man profusely and menacing. Similar to canon this was played up as a joke however, Hinata didn't find it funny. It appeared as if a part of Naruto was still clinging to his boyhood crush. However, "Hinata we could go somewhere else you know? I can eat Ramen anytime", Naruto suggested. The young knucklehead isn't as dense as he used to be. Hinata then shut off her Byakugan and apologized. Naruto was just easing the tension regarding Sasuke's recent actions. She already had been arranged to Naruto and he proposed to her on top of that. She shouldn't have let her jealousy get the better of her. "I'm sorry too Hinata I should have known better you know", Naruto apologized. "I-it's okay Naruto really", Hinata replied. "You two are just adorable", Teuchi adored. Naruto and Hinata became flustered as Naruto started his retort. Sakura noticing the two reflected on how she wanted to make Sasuke hers. How much they've gone through as Team 7 and if she wanted what Naruto and Hinata have now she's gonna have to stop moping and fight for it.
"You guys can stay I never should have interrupted your night", Sakura replied. "At let me use a shadow clone to walk you home", Naruto suggested. "It's okay I'll be okay", Sakura reassured. "Okay if you're sure ", Naruto replied. Naruto and Hinata then returned to their meal as Sakura chased after Sasuke.
Meanwhile, Kakashi and Mina were having a late night spar. A recent occurrence surprisingly however, the copy ninja can't take that certain leap just yet. Though Mina's waited this long. She's got all the time in the world
Next time:
Chapter 26
A New Beginning
The Path of the Lone Avenger

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