Q &A #1

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Hello everyone sorry for the delay but after recent chapters I received feedback regarding certain plot points. So after a few chapters or a story arc, I will be sharing the most asked questions and I'll answer them in the most non-spoiler way possible. I will keep names anonymous 

Question 1:

Why is kid Naruto so Overpowered?

a) Kid Naruto was always overpowered compared to the norm. He was an knucklehead who had to strive and learn from the ground up. He had the power and potential but none of the skill. 

b)Not to mention Naruto had to resonate with Kurama to even attempt the basic teleportation.

Question 2:

Why did you spare all of Team Dosu?

Originally I was only going to spare Kin and Dosu and Zaku would be the vessels for the reanimations against Lord Third. However, I thought about it and sparring only Kin solely to be a love interest for Haku was a bit narrow minded on my part. And Everyone needs a rival to push them at least in some aspect. Who knows maybe the Sound traitors might have a bone to pick with the infamous Sound Four.

Question 3: 

The deaths of Zabuza and Haku were a founding character moment for Naruto in the first arc and you spared both of them. One would been fine since you still salvage the core theme. 

This question is more of a critical statement but regardless, I spared them because you can create a solid redemption arcs for the both of them as well as Two of the Deadly Swordsman current roster duking it out would have been awesome.  As for Haku he would have made a great if not ideal replacement rival character with Sasuke going rogue. Sai's inclusion in the K12 dynamic was so objectively bad that he was removed from the roster hence the status of Konoha Eleven. 

Question 4:

What made you partner with Pungpp?

Well that's an easy one I was wanting another shot at an Naruto based story for a while since my Boruto Gaiden story was more of a meta parody. I did try to salvage it by rebranding it Dark past but with college as well as a Soul Eater story I was working on to, I eventually burned out.

Then one day I was searching on DeviantArt trying to expand with journal submissions and I noticed Pungpp Kakashi x Mina designs and creations. The dynamic, the light amidst the darkness,  just the possibility of a what if where Kakashi the copy ninja doesn't get bogged down by the strong yet compassionate loner trope. So I reached out he contacted me back and we began planning this out for y'all. We reached over 30 votes and 775 reads in about three months of publishing. I am humbled and grateful for your past and continued support. Both me, Pungpp, Naruto fans and creators alike and all ages thank you.

Question 5: 

In the Land of Waves arc, you implied that Mina would train Sakura. She had been able to better apply her talent for Genjutsu but after her Sannin training under Lady Tsunade, will it completely dropped like in canon? 

I intend to carve a balance in proceedings of her training; though after the exams its more than likely that Mina will support and continue Lee's training after his surgery. The two kunoichi will spar and interact from time to time but whether or not she'll receive the power of the eight gates is undecided. 

Question 6:

Will Sasuke still go rouge after being adopted by Kakashi and Mina?

The adoption and guidance made Sasuke a lot stronger but he's still a kid at the end of the day. Although a lot more open and remorseful than in canon, Sasuke still deserts the village to Orochimaru in the pursuit of power and revenge. 

Question 7:

Will you be covering the Boyhood arc?

Breifly since most of the narrative in that story stems from Boruto and how his development since the movie recap was being contextualized in the anime. So I'll cover the Naruto era side of things and the fight itself in case I decide to make a Boruto expansion to this story. 

Question 8:

Will Zabuza be given a genin squad before the time skip?


And that's all I have for you today!!! Please like, vote, and follow and feel free to leave a few comments and/or questions of your own. Chapter 12 drops soon and On YouTube Kakashi x Mina Part 2 will drop this weekend. Hope you enjoy!!!  

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