Chapter 28 The Dark Quest Begins Our True Selves At Death's Door

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When we last left off, Naruto and the newly formed Konoha 6 set out to pursuit and rescue Sasuke. However, Orochimaru anticipated this and using his resources and the fact that the Hidden Sound Village was a safe haven for shady activities commissioned a few bandits and mercenaries alongside a small militia of Sound Ninja to intercept and dispose of pursuers. Against the Sannin's ideal, the Sound four decided to deploy their backup all at once to not only secure a successful escort of their master's new body but also to kill those stupid enough to defy Lord Orochimaru's will. Outside of that everything goes the same as in canon until Jirobo tries to trap and suffocate our heroes. Shikamaru deduces and applies the same strategy  only difference is that before the prodigy could sell his act the jutsu collapses as Jirobo is smashed through it by a sixteen palm Hinata. She was able to perform this feat because she could sense Jirobo in the far distance with her Byakugan. So she slows down and plays it off so she could seize the element of surprise; that and she wanted to show off a little bit.

Jirobo is able to recover from some internal damage by resorting to his stage one curse mark. "Girl you're gonna pay for that!!!", Jirobo snarled. Naruto snarled but Choji stepped up and stated that he and Hinata will catch up. Not too far away Team Dosu scouts further back and notice the situation. "Shouldn't we help? I mean they are the weakest links here", Zaku notioned. "Our mission is to secure intel and intervene as a last resort. They're still being tested as ninja; so if we bail them out now, we would be hindering their growth", Kin replied coldly. Dosu was rather silent until suddenly they were being ambushed by platoons of Sound Ninja. "Traitors!!! You all shall die in the name of Lord Orochimaru!!!", one of the sound ninja battle cried. Team Dosu was a bit remorseful about having to kill their former comrades but they're Konoha ninja now. And their lives now are a lot better off than these foolish zealots. Despite the trio being able to hold their own rather easily, they didn't have the time. So using Yin release, Kin used her bell tied senbon and compelled the admittedly fodder sound ninja to kill each other. Kin and Zaku scouted further ahead to keep tabs on Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Neji; while Dosu assisted Choji and Hinata against stage two Curse mark Jirobo. Even though these scenes take place simultaneously,  ultimately Hinata doesn't have the defense that Choji has so Choji carries most of the fight while Hinata counters with gentle fist and rotation whenever she can. So far Choji has used two of the Secret Akimichi clan pills. Thus leading to Dosu stepping in. "Heh not bad but you're still weak", Jirobo growled. "Whatever you say chubby", Dosu quipped. Both big boned shinobi being insulted by this Jirobo charges while Choji intercepts with his kunai wrapped human boulder jutsu combo combined with Hinata's rotation and Dosu's Resonating Echo Drill at full power. Similar to Team Kurenai's team move in Naruto Ninja Storm 4. 

Despite the onslaught, CM 2 Jirobo endures though suffering massive damage. "Guys there's only one way out of this. The Akimichi secret jutsu and my ultimate trump card", Choji bequifed. "Choji I don't know much about Konoha but I am aware of secret techniques. Trust me especially in your case that last pill is suicide", Dosu replied. Choji was fully aware that this could be his last but it was his battle and he wanted to prove his worth. Dosu and Hinata respected Choji gumption and provided cover and let Choji achieve Butterfly mode. After the fight Choji collapses from chakra exhaustion and massive strain due to the lost of calories in his body. It's not full blown chakra rejection as it was in canon because he had Hinata and Dosu for the assist. Nonetheless, it was one hell of a battle. Hinata then considers using the basic teleportation jutsu from Naruto's chakra tag to catch up to the others. However, she's low on chakra and decides to head back to the village with Dosu to get Choji medical attention from Lady Tsunade. "Here its a food pill the same stuff we used back in the hidden sound. It restores your strength and healthy blood cells. Just perform that special jutsu and get to your fiancée right after you take it", Dosu offered handing the bag. "T-T-Thank you", Hinata replied as she took the food pill and warped back to the others. Dosu then carried the skinny Choji off to safety, "That arrogant porcupine prick owes me big time", Dosu snarled to himself.  Upon arrival, she shares the pills to keep everyone's strength up; all except for Neji who is beginning his battle with Kidomaru.

Meanwhile, Team Yamato had just arrived at the rendezvous camp and the briefing with Tsubaki. Apparently Mizuki and a handful of commissioned bandits were hired to fight off pursers. The rouge ninja was given anyone he could round up during the chaos of the escape.  Iruka and Sai devise a strategy while Mina consoles Tsubaki regarding how her love had strayed. "The bandits are nothing to him and even before he was a sadist with an inferiority complex", Sai interjected. "Maybe so but killing Mizuki outright is tactless. Subduing and gaining intel is the best course of action", Iruka countered. Haku was silent on the issue seeing both sides of the argument; though whatever they decide to do they need to deploy soon. "Tsubaki I can only imagine how hard this is for you but even so there's no shame in staying behind", Mina suggested. Tsubaki still crying stays true to her conviction despite her heartbreak. "Mizuki has become disillusioned and now a pawn to Orochimaru. He always had that inner darkness about him but I really thought I could change him. But that was the past, and Mizuki has shown his true face. Whether we spare him for intel or not, he needs to be brought down", Tsubaki replied. 

And so Team Yamato, Tsubaki and Iruka set out while Neji and the venomous Kidomaru face off. The battle continues next time...

Chapter 29

Battle of Eyes and Precision

A Genius' Redemption     

(AN: If you're thinking that due to her and Naruto's arrangement and more training she should be twenty-four palm by now she's not. Hinata had to recover after the exams and like Lee, she was just released from Konoha hospital not too long ago. As such she's stronger than in canon but not by too much)

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